wednesday is passing by,
then come thursday,
then friday coming through..
and there it is, saturday
i feel the excitement of going through the new phase in my life. but many other feelings surrounded me these time too. the feelings which is not very pleasant to think about. but,i still have to go through it.
maybe the excitement of preparing for angah's wedding is much more. i cant think much i guess.
bestfriend has started packing up her things. not me. i think i kind of finding so many excuses doing other work than packing up my belongings.
but well, i still have to go since my future is in front of me. staying at home is nice, but pursuing my future i hope is better. :D
i'm going to start packing up my things tonight i hope. no more delaying.
i hope i have time to update this baby one more time at least before leaving.
p/s: ibu, dont worry. i might be little bit far, but you are always near to me. i love you ibu. :)