Sunday, July 13, 2008

foreigners(are they)??

hancock is my superhero..hahahha...yesterday,i went to alamanda with my parents (well,gud girl wut..)hahaha..well,ayah was d one who suggested dat evening, 'let's watch movie in alamanda' n of course la i wud agree right..n since wanted is for 18 n above,hellboy xminat,so,i told him let's go for hancock..hahah..

so,we went there,maghrib there,bought ticket (damn it..left only d front row..terpaksa gak amik..huhu)n went to food court n mkn la,of course..later on,during our dinner,daddy was eating some sort of curry mee eh,dad?wateva la..n i dunno..but our table was quite mess n i said la 'ey,bersepah nye..letak la betul2'..n dad said, 'biarla..nnt bangla2 tu bole kemas..kalau x,diorg xde keja'.. n i was lyke wuteva la daddy

mlas tul nk bertekak over those bangla..not worth it pn..hahah..btw,i did argue with dad saying that ,'inilah orang malaysia..biler tyme2 mcm ni,br nk lah appreciate(not dat appreciate lah) bangla ade...tapi nnt sendiri gak bising,too many of those kinds in malaysia laa..n bla..bla..bla..'

so,wut i am trying to say is that..ntala..hahah..well,actually these r malaysians,who sometimes appreciate n sometimes does not(make sense ke ni??lantakla..heheh),i apologise la first,mnla tau kalau2 ade yg terasa..but i dun actually care la kalau ade terasa coz this is my opinion..everyone has different opinions,till's already maghrib n parents r already bising..gtg..bubbye

me :)

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