Sunday, September 7, 2008

sakit wooo!!,i overcomed one of my worst nightmare which is jahit..luckily they bius-ed my toe or else i'll just kick d doctor..well,it all went lyke this..after having my sahur..i was standing at the sink to wash my plates..actually it happened to fast dat i cannot remember how does the tiles fall..sedar2 my toe was already bleeding..not a little2 bleeding ok,there was already blood around my toe..n then i went on shouting 'blood!blood!'.. mommy asked me to be calm but whut do u expect if ur leg is bleeding n it is HURT!! of course la shouting is one of d best way to handle u all know me la kn..shouting is the gooooodd thing..hahahah..

later,daddy balut my toe with double layer of kitchen towel n owh man...d bleeding was too much dat almost d whole tisu was full of blood..u imagine k..we went to the klinik zalfah because that is d only clinic i think which opens 24 hours luckily..or else i dunno wut will happened to my toe..i was already imagining doctor says that the cut is too serious dat we need to do operation or sth..omg..if dat really happens,i couldnt imagine it..

arrived there,they straight away brought me into the room..when the doctor took away the tissue from my toe..the tisu is already lunyai with terrible it is..n the nurses were cleaning it..n LUCKILY d doctor said dat d cut is not so serious n maybe my toe kena only d serpihan..bcoz doc said if kena d big piece there might be possibility my toe patah n d luka must be dalam n wut r..tendon(dunno how to spell) i think could be koyak..woo..dat one i really2 xleh byg one..

suddenly i felt lyke d doc was tearing sth..i was lyke omg! ape doc ni bwt ni.. i was crying all d way..n after all d cleaning thing finish..d doctor said ni kena jahit ni... n i was xnk..xnk..xde cara lain ke... doc ckp ade gam..hahah..i do know la whut kind of gam will it be..gam gajah kot..hahaha..n i said i prefer gam but d doc said they dun have d gam..n they tried to call az-zahra n they were out of stock n an-nur they r not,daddy said jahit jela..n tuhan jela tau how i felt at dat tyme..n luckily again..doc said ade bius kalau xde lyke i said before mmg kena tendang r doc uh..hahahah...

doc ckp la yg bius pn pki jarum n i was so brave..(brave la sgt) g ckp..owh..tu xpe..jarum bius xkisah...hahahaha..xkisah la sgt..mase doc uh nk cucuk it was hurt n aku yg bengong ni bole lak terlepas ckp shitshit!shit!... hahahahahah..xterpk lgsg..sekali kena sound dgn doc, "adik,selawat dik..bukan ckp bende tu" i was so segan at that tyme..hahhahahha...terus senyap k..n yeah! d bius jln k..i dun feel anything ms kena jahit uh tp xsanggup gak nk tengok..when d third stitch abis belum ikat..i said to mommy i want to see..i see laa..wuhuhu..agk scary r..n d jarum was lyke mata kail tu pny bentuk bengkok but d halus one la..huhu..

i got my mc for 3 days..doc said 3 hari jgn bg kena air..takut benang terbuka..n one week later br bole buka tu kaki tengah kebas x rs pape best..hahahah..sbb x sakit..skali smpi umah..bius da nk abis..mak aih..sakit gler...pedih is d important thing eh..n now,i have to walk using tongkat..huhu..n after the incident..i'm quite phobia with heavy thing n things fall...n today i was not fasting..hehehhe.. :) yela..nk mkn ubat cmne kalau puasa en...hahahah..

itu of my worst nightmare..i was so scared before this bler dga org kena jahit n try to avoid kena jahit..but well,people always say dat u must overcome ur nightmare..n here i come..hahahaha..kla..toodles..i'll tell more if there is other experience dat i had gone through k...n diba,sory..byk kl ko kena duk sorg kn tahun ni..sorry darling..k guys..tata..

B ;)


liyana said...


twinklyra said...

hahahah..TAU XPEEE!! nasib bek xpengsan..hahaha.. n thanks to d bius r...hahahha...xpe2..aku doakn nnt ko kena gk ke yana..hahahah..just kidding.try to avoid it!

liyana said...

sbnrnya aku x baca blog kau smpi habis, scaryyyy.

twinklyra said...

hahahaha..klaka..bengong tul..xde sacry mn pn..3 je..hahahha