Thursday, March 5, 2009

laughing all day long

ok..hahahahhahaha...well,i just cant stop laughing the entire two days..smpikn arami sitting beside me pn da shaking his head "minah ni giler ke..da la gelak mcm pontianak..hahahah..." sori dude..the combination of me n mel will end up being laughing all the tyme no matter where we are..hahah.habis klua ilmu aku br baca buku,ko ni..hahahaha..n knowing me u guys,skali da glak pontianak+non-stop=bahirah..hahaha...dont u ever make any real jokes n then waiting for me to stop laughing..bcoz it would be long to wait then..tehehehhe..

my beloved kiki is laki ko..hahaha..n her laki called 'adik' n i was already lyke 'haish..susahla.ade dua adik dkt umah ni kng" since my familio also call me adik..haha..figure out then..hahaha..n her laki is not a calang2 one u know..the very d biggy one..hahah..takut gk beta en..gegege

n one thing that just cant stop me smiling these few days back is because of's almost a month u know! damn,luckily u still remember..hehehe..i just love talking to u n giggling while talking..hehehe...i know u may b thinking i'm a mad one,but lol..sorry..hehee..but still u do accept me right..hahahahahahah..just cnt wait till,dats tomoro..hahah..YAHOO!!! as u said,one month is a long period for u to just really2222 miss someone n i agreed..i miss u lyke hell!! gegegege...blk cpat2 tau..tehehehe

march test is over..thank god..but just couldnt imagined the results..i'm so not confident with my add maths..i think that it will b a bad one this tyme..hoho..but,wateva it hard then..xmau main2 da la(cakap je lebeh kang..haiyoo) huhu..n i went to account's tuition n beloved teacher reminded us that SPM TRIAL is just around 4 months plus u know..quite freak the hell out of me..haaaaaa...

ok,i shud stop now bcoz have some works to be done especially history or else pn harvinder might be strangling me..hohoho..k..till then..bubbye

love B

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