Wednesday, September 23, 2009

a phone call

i was just sitting in front of the tv waiting for somebody,
suddenly "pelukla diriku dan jangan kau lepas.." went on.
i quickly answered it since there was no any picture. and that was a call that i never ever think was him.

F : hello
M : assalamualaikum.ape khabar?
F : waalaikumussalam.baik.ko mcm mn? (i actually didnt really remember how did it continue)
M :,ko tengah trial kn?ok x?
F : hahha..okla.bole la.
(later talk about raya...)
(suddenly we were quiet)
M : okla.assalamualaikum.maaf zahir dan batin
F : ok.waalaikumussalam.maaf zahir dan batin juga

and till now,i'm wondering,is that for it was for almost two years,suddenly it just popped up.

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