Tuesday, December 2, 2008


dinner at mcd just now was quite a happy moments just now..hahaha..after finished eating,i cudnt remember who started to crack jokes but it did makes everyone laugh non-stop..hahahha..wel,,there were many jokes that came out..n one of them is the lucky DRUMSTICK story..hahahahah

well,this was how it went..

it happened long long ago during the tyme my eldest sister was still in tkc..we stopped at the r&r to have breakfast..then went to a stall and ordered nasi lemak for everyone..n NOTE TO EVERYONE: ZUL'S CHILDREN LOVE DRUMSTICKS! :) hahahha

so,oour kind-hearted daddy went and ordered drumstick for all of us n he did asked the boy who was FORM 2! at that tyme does he knows wut is drumstick n he went on saying i do..so,while waiting for drumsticks,we continued to eat our breakfast n till the end..the drumsticks did not appear..

well,my not-dat-kind-hearted-anymore daddy went to ask that boy n it went on lyke this
daddy : adik,mn drumsticknye?
adik : abg..drumstick tu ape?
daddy : aik..kate tau..drumstick tu peha ayam..
adik : haaa..tula..sy tny kwn sy dkt blkg uh..dier kate drumstick to PEMUKUL DRUM!!
daddy : aaaa? =.='

when daddy told us again about the incident,we do laugh out loud..because hey man..form 2 doesnt know wuts drumstick most be horrible..hehehehhehe..but well..it can also b a lesson but that was previous days story..hehehehhehehe..but,i tell u again,all of us couldnt stop laughing if daddy tells us the story over n over again..so..enjoy loved ones..hehehhe

love,b :)


Yusri said...

people kat rural areas manelah tau drumstick tu ape. haha
kang die bg kau ice cream kang. haha

twinklyra said...

hahhaha..yeah..a'ah la mamat uh..asl xpk ice-cream drumstick..hahaha