Monday, December 29, 2008
2008.. :P
hurm..2008 is gonna come to the end..lotsa memories that i had gone thru,the bitter n the sweet,rajin-me uploaded few pics for this entry,c ya..;)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
gathering..lalala.. was quite enjoying + mom's side organized a gathering in gombak since my cousins n aunt came back from was hell yeah,wonderful..n plus we did suprised party for my sis..heheh..HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY,YAW!! gegegge...actually,it was not dat all real2 one surprise since my uncle pegi tny kuat2, knp minx lighter..ade birthday cake ke? hahahha...apela pak teh ni..we also did a surprised party for my aunty..n again..kantoi jg..hahahah..looks lyke our family xleh sgt la nk bwt surprise2 ni..hahahah
it was all havoc back there..although there were only 5-6 families present,but omg..the noisiness(lupe ejaan la..hahah) was so lyke ade 10 families in d house..with d lil'kids shouting here n there..n d makcik2 menganyam ketupat a.k.a mengumpat,with d stories from everyone,it was totally a tunggang terbalik one..but i had fun..we laughed aloud n enjoying..
u guys know sth..back then,we usually play masak2,mak-mak,doktor2,kawin2 n all that..but u know nowadays are more advance than we thought they would..3 of my nieces were playing inside d room,n when my mom peeked in to see wut they do,they suddenly stopped..n my mom said juz's ok..n my mom asked them wut r they playing..u know wat they were actually playing..they were playing BUNUH-BUNUH!! hahaha...quite scary thinking this lil kids who hasnt even start primary school has thought playing that kind of things..
well,take notes nowadays r really2 taking in wutever they get thru all the things they heard n saw..huhuhu..kla..that's all..toodles..
love,b ;)
it was all havoc back there..although there were only 5-6 families present,but omg..the noisiness(lupe ejaan la..hahah) was so lyke ade 10 families in d house..with d lil'kids shouting here n there..n d makcik2 menganyam ketupat a.k.a mengumpat,with d stories from everyone,it was totally a tunggang terbalik one..but i had fun..we laughed aloud n enjoying..
u guys know sth..back then,we usually play masak2,mak-mak,doktor2,kawin2 n all that..but u know nowadays are more advance than we thought they would..3 of my nieces were playing inside d room,n when my mom peeked in to see wut they do,they suddenly stopped..n my mom said juz's ok..n my mom asked them wut r they playing..u know wat they were actually playing..they were playing BUNUH-BUNUH!! hahaha...quite scary thinking this lil kids who hasnt even start primary school has thought playing that kind of things..
well,take notes nowadays r really2 taking in wutever they get thru all the things they heard n saw..huhuhu..kla..that's all..toodles..
love,b ;)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
need to free myself
dear blog..
i wish i could have someone i could share this with..but turn out it's gonna be u..i guess i will always b the one stuck in d middle of everyone n everything n every situation..i need to free myself out of these getting bored n rimas n everything..i feel lyke screaming n yelling to everyone telling not to let me become their middle's just not that i dun lyke helping people..but i'm getting fed up if whut that i had done doesnt been appreciated by others..excuse me,hellllooo..i had helped u n u went n scold me,shout at,wuts d point of me being kind-hearted helping u if this is whut i get??!!!
i mood wasnt that stable lately..i cn be very high on the top n very low on d ground sometimes,someday..something cn just lightens up my day n mood but SOMETHING! cn just make me piss off n i'm sorry for those yg kena tempias..
but,excuse me..i'm a human too..i do make mistakes..n YOU! also did some,dun think u'r some angels that have no wrongdoings in ur whole life!!i'm not writing this specially for anyone..but just trying to let go all my inner feelings..since,i dun think i wud want to let it out to anyone specific..just that,that's how i felt all this while..
so,u b nice to me n i'll help u..or else mybe someday i'll just shout at u for u to realise it..lyke beshies diba said..i cn be ur angel n ur devil too..
write later..bubbye
hate! b
i wish i could have someone i could share this with..but turn out it's gonna be u..i guess i will always b the one stuck in d middle of everyone n everything n every situation..i need to free myself out of these getting bored n rimas n everything..i feel lyke screaming n yelling to everyone telling not to let me become their middle's just not that i dun lyke helping people..but i'm getting fed up if whut that i had done doesnt been appreciated by others..excuse me,hellllooo..i had helped u n u went n scold me,shout at,wuts d point of me being kind-hearted helping u if this is whut i get??!!!
i mood wasnt that stable lately..i cn be very high on the top n very low on d ground sometimes,someday..something cn just lightens up my day n mood but SOMETHING! cn just make me piss off n i'm sorry for those yg kena tempias..
but,excuse me..i'm a human too..i do make mistakes..n YOU! also did some,dun think u'r some angels that have no wrongdoings in ur whole life!!i'm not writing this specially for anyone..but just trying to let go all my inner feelings..since,i dun think i wud want to let it out to anyone specific..just that,that's how i felt all this while..
so,u b nice to me n i'll help u..or else mybe someday i'll just shout at u for u to realise it..lyke beshies diba said..i cn be ur angel n ur devil too..
write later..bubbye
hate! b
well,the title doesnt really have to do with what i'm about to write down here..IF i have anything to write..
hurm..let's see whut happened in my previous days
well,thursday i went to sunway lagoon with the add maths tuition peeps..hahah..had fun..we laughed out loud..lose our 'beautiful' voices..hahaha..n i also met najmi there..hahah..he did surprised me twice there..lyke haiyoo..hantu kaa..hahahah..sori,no pics (lazy to upload..dumdum)
friday n saturday were at home with cousins at home..did went to putrajaya on friday evening..brought my cousin's bibik jalan2..hahaha..u know la kn..she actually asked me n my other cousins to bring her jln2 kl when they arrived here..but BIG PROBLEM! she is d kind yg mabuk2 pny type,agk difficult la ye..huhuhu
n since there was sure heboh this 20th n 21st so,we decided the four of us to go there on was quite enjoying but i was scared at first since i had to go on train alone from ukm...hahah..only god knows how i felt if tertinggal tren ke,salah naik tren ke..huhuhu..da la ,there was lyke so many people..n knowing me,bahirah, i'm damn afraid going on public transport alone..hahaha..well,we did captured few pics of the celebs..hahahah..n then we went to bukit antarabangsa..huhu..n tell u what,on the way up there,we did lalu dkt the tanah runtuh n owh was so terrible looking at the house..looks lyke rumah yg lego korg buat n suddenly kena hempap uh..hoho..sgt scary..igt nk amik xsempat..n kami sume berenang2 di rumah auntie..hahahah..
i was also supposed to be following my kakak sedare going to genting today,but i'm quite malas,so i cancelled it n actually they didnt even go there n it will b tomorrow on wednesday n it's a big NO NO for me since my tuition schedule will b packed..haish..
school will b reopens in about 2 weeks tyme..i dun think i have done any preparations for,till now..lack of idea i guess..k
love, B :)
hurm..let's see whut happened in my previous days
well,thursday i went to sunway lagoon with the add maths tuition peeps..hahah..had fun..we laughed out loud..lose our 'beautiful' voices..hahaha..n i also met najmi there..hahah..he did surprised me twice there..lyke haiyoo..hantu kaa..hahahah..sori,no pics (lazy to upload..dumdum)
friday n saturday were at home with cousins at home..did went to putrajaya on friday evening..brought my cousin's bibik jalan2..hahaha..u know la kn..she actually asked me n my other cousins to bring her jln2 kl when they arrived here..but BIG PROBLEM! she is d kind yg mabuk2 pny type,agk difficult la ye..huhuhu
n since there was sure heboh this 20th n 21st so,we decided the four of us to go there on was quite enjoying but i was scared at first since i had to go on train alone from ukm...hahah..only god knows how i felt if tertinggal tren ke,salah naik tren ke..huhuhu..da la ,there was lyke so many people..n knowing me,bahirah, i'm damn afraid going on public transport alone..hahaha..well,we did captured few pics of the celebs..hahahah..n then we went to bukit antarabangsa..huhu..n tell u what,on the way up there,we did lalu dkt the tanah runtuh n owh was so terrible looking at the house..looks lyke rumah yg lego korg buat n suddenly kena hempap uh..hoho..sgt scary..igt nk amik xsempat..n kami sume berenang2 di rumah auntie..hahahah..
i was also supposed to be following my kakak sedare going to genting today,but i'm quite malas,so i cancelled it n actually they didnt even go there n it will b tomorrow on wednesday n it's a big NO NO for me since my tuition schedule will b packed..haish..
school will b reopens in about 2 weeks tyme..i dun think i have done any preparations for,till now..lack of idea i guess..k
love, B :)
Friday, December 19, 2008
wrong info
hey guys..based on whut i wrote in d previous blog..i told ya that pn basinah will b coming to jess..but looks lyke it turn out to be not lyke dat..she will b still staying in her current school but STILL! camry is,pray together the pengganti will b better than before,rite..
k..that's d correction..ttyl..
love,B :)
k..that's d correction..ttyl..
love,B :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
haiyooo...i'm so sleepy but cudnt sleep or else i'll b late for tuition..hahah..sebenanye tuition pn is at 3..people must b saying,lmbt lg sy xnk tido..sebab sy byk keja nk bwt lg but instead,i'm sitting here n moving my fingers to write this blog..
well2,today is quite a busy day..lyke wut diba wrote at her blog..acc in d morning n chem in d evening~hola~ n i'm supposed to b cleaning up my room..hahah..mcm ' tongkang pecah' gegegeg..mommy will b mad i guess since tomoro nite my cousin will b arriving from srwk n spend a nite,bilik mau kasi dikemas..damn,lazy bahirah..hahahahha...
n i'm quite mad bcoz i cudnt find the tshirt that i'm going to wear tomoro..mcm babi je..eeeeee...
n hehehe..tomoro will b quite a free day bcoz no need study sbb mau klua..hahaha..sgt bahagia..well,at least mommy dun have reason bcoz today da 2,looking forward for tomorrow.. :)
gtg..mau cr itu n ini n need to tidy up my room..haiyoo..kla..
love b :)
well2,today is quite a busy day..lyke wut diba wrote at her blog..acc in d morning n chem in d evening~hola~ n i'm supposed to b cleaning up my room..hahah..mcm ' tongkang pecah' gegegeg..mommy will b mad i guess since tomoro nite my cousin will b arriving from srwk n spend a nite,bilik mau kasi dikemas..damn,lazy bahirah..hahahahha...
n i'm quite mad bcoz i cudnt find the tshirt that i'm going to wear tomoro..mcm babi je..eeeeee...
n hehehe..tomoro will b quite a free day bcoz no need study sbb mau klua..hahaha..sgt bahagia..well,at least mommy dun have reason bcoz today da 2,looking forward for tomorrow.. :)
gtg..mau cr itu n ini n need to tidy up my room..haiyoo..kla..
love b :)
Monday, December 15, 2008
we went to gombak yesterday n while sitting around at the granny's house,daddy received a phone call n he moved his mouth saying sth to me but lembab me..hahah..couldnt catch whut he was trying to say..
so,busybody-me gave full attention bout whut d conversation was all about..hahaha..suddenly i heard daddy congratulates the other side n asked who's coming here n jeng-jeng-jeng i managed to conclude whut it was actually about..
i was so excited that i danced in d living room n my uncle was lyke budak ni sewel ke ape hahahah...
n u guys know sth..camry will be gone..hahahahahahah..i'm so superduper glad..i still cn remember that our senior told us 'habisla korg kena stick dgn dier,ktorg da abis skola n so on..' but..heh..not anymore..hahahah..btw,she'll be going to saujana impian n PN BASINAH will b replacing her..hehehehheeh...sgt excited n i felt lyke telling d whole world..but my bet.. i'm out of credit..bodoh je..da happy2 tp xdpt gtau sape2..ahhaha..
so,instead of membazir-ing my credit later to text people..better i spread it thru here..hahahahaa...oh,btw the date of the pertukaran is not set yet,just wait..hehehe..
btw,wish to welcome iman to the site! :) enjoy ur writings..hahahah..
love,d'angelo ;)
so,busybody-me gave full attention bout whut d conversation was all about..hahaha..suddenly i heard daddy congratulates the other side n asked who's coming here n jeng-jeng-jeng i managed to conclude whut it was actually about..
i was so excited that i danced in d living room n my uncle was lyke budak ni sewel ke ape hahahah...
n u guys know sth..camry will be gone..hahahahahahah..i'm so superduper glad..i still cn remember that our senior told us 'habisla korg kena stick dgn dier,ktorg da abis skola n so on..' but..heh..not anymore..hahahah..btw,she'll be going to saujana impian n PN BASINAH will b replacing her..hehehehheeh...sgt excited n i felt lyke telling d whole world..but my bet.. i'm out of credit..bodoh je..da happy2 tp xdpt gtau sape2..ahhaha..
so,instead of membazir-ing my credit later to text people..better i spread it thru here..hahahahaa...oh,btw the date of the pertukaran is not set yet,just wait..hehehe..
btw,wish to welcome iman to the site! :) enjoy ur writings..hahahah..
love,d'angelo ;)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
falling apart
reading sth few minutes ago,makes me think to just stop putting on hopes because it might makes things worst than u wish for..everything sweet will not be forever sweet n everybody shud have realised it..
i hope...n i wish..
i will move on n leave the past to be with the others n free my mind from everything..
next year will b a tough,hope nothing comes across to distract it..
no more..i hope..
no more i wish..
i hope...n i wish..
i will move on n leave the past to be with the others n free my mind from everything..
next year will b a tough,hope nothing comes across to distract it..
no more..i hope..
no more i wish..
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
no more
i dunno what happened to me..but it seems lyke everything has been lil' bit touch-y here n there lately..the teardrops look lyke it cn just flow down the cheeks easily..oh god..i asked someone to leave me alone for a while..i wished i dun have to..
btw,since the last entry was quite far behind..i wished everyone selamat hari raya aidiladha..
settled the sad things aside for a while..yesterday we were supposed to watch madagascar at alamanda..hahahha..a bit left behind i guess..but then,we went straight to is quite funny..i love moto..hahahhaa..hurm..nothing n went home..thinking of shopping lil' bit..but,changed my tyme i guess..
no much to write about anymore..will keep this updated i hope..bubbye..toodles
btw,since the last entry was quite far behind..i wished everyone selamat hari raya aidiladha..
settled the sad things aside for a while..yesterday we were supposed to watch madagascar at alamanda..hahahha..a bit left behind i guess..but then,we went straight to is quite funny..i love moto..hahahhaa..hurm..nothing n went home..thinking of shopping lil' bit..but,changed my tyme i guess..
no much to write about anymore..will keep this updated i hope..bubbye..toodles
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
sory for the rude title..but hell yeah..i'm getting fed-up with the office staff..lyke's not lyke i'm gonna put any bomb inside the's just that a few pieces of paper to be put in that u just lyke only a person asking for what n say, 'ok..u may go in'. do u guys need to questioned me with the question all over again! bodo gler..
hey..i'm not that interested to b in the office too la wey..nk sgt ddk dlm ofis..ddk la..asking for help skit,bising..itula..inila..n menceceh sane sini..bongong..if there's nothing important,i wont N DUN WANT TOO LA TO b in d office la..i'm bored n annoyed n fed-up with u guys..dun b rude again!
no love for today~~
hey..i'm not that interested to b in the office too la wey..nk sgt ddk dlm ofis..ddk la..asking for help skit,bising..itula..inila..n menceceh sane sini..bongong..if there's nothing important,i wont N DUN WANT TOO LA TO b in d office la..i'm bored n annoyed n fed-up with u guys..dun b rude again!
no love for today~~
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
hesh..sitting with the girls during chemistry class just now although we did have another class yesterday,does alert me that all of us have to catch up..hahahah..with all d gossips,n d new-who,n all other is exciting u know..everyone with their own tons of stories..let's gather n i'm sure all the hot-hot one will reveal..jengjeng..hehehhe. well,it's a gud advantage for us to b in d same tuition or else only god knows when this stories will came out..
btw,there's sth bothering my mind now..well actually since few days before..does now a season for some 'thingy'..i'm wondering..i'm thinking of joining it..but we'll see how it goes on..maybe when the time comes,i'll b joining there too..e'eh..for those who knew 'bout this season..great for u..hehehe..sorry.. 'SEASON INI TIADA KAITAN DENGAN YANG HIDUP ATAU YANG MATI.HARAP MAKLUM" :)
wondering,do i miss u? =.='
love, B :)
btw,there's sth bothering my mind now..well actually since few days before..does now a season for some 'thingy'..i'm wondering..i'm thinking of joining it..but we'll see how it goes on..maybe when the time comes,i'll b joining there too..e'eh..for those who knew 'bout this season..great for u..hehehe..sorry.. 'SEASON INI TIADA KAITAN DENGAN YANG HIDUP ATAU YANG MATI.HARAP MAKLUM" :)
wondering,do i miss u? =.='
love, B :)
dinner at mcd just now was quite a happy moments just now..hahaha..after finished eating,i cudnt remember who started to crack jokes but it did makes everyone laugh non-stop..hahahha..wel,,there were many jokes that came out..n one of them is the lucky DRUMSTICK story..hahahahah
well,this was how it went..
it happened long long ago during the tyme my eldest sister was still in tkc..we stopped at the r&r to have breakfast..then went to a stall and ordered nasi lemak for everyone..n NOTE TO EVERYONE: ZUL'S CHILDREN LOVE DRUMSTICKS! :) hahahha
so,oour kind-hearted daddy went and ordered drumstick for all of us n he did asked the boy who was FORM 2! at that tyme does he knows wut is drumstick n he went on saying i,while waiting for drumsticks,we continued to eat our breakfast n till the end..the drumsticks did not appear..
well,my not-dat-kind-hearted-anymore daddy went to ask that boy n it went on lyke this
daddy : adik,mn drumsticknye?
adik : abg..drumstick tu ape?
daddy : aik..kate tau..drumstick tu peha ayam..
adik : tny kwn sy dkt blkg uh..dier kate drumstick to PEMUKUL DRUM!!
daddy : aaaa? =.='
when daddy told us again about the incident,we do laugh out loud..because hey man..form 2 doesnt know wuts drumstick most be horrible..hehehehhehe..but can also b a lesson but that was previous days story..hehehehhehehe..but,i tell u again,all of us couldnt stop laughing if daddy tells us the story over n over loved ones..hehehhe
love,b :)
well,this was how it went..
it happened long long ago during the tyme my eldest sister was still in tkc..we stopped at the r&r to have breakfast..then went to a stall and ordered nasi lemak for everyone..n NOTE TO EVERYONE: ZUL'S CHILDREN LOVE DRUMSTICKS! :) hahahha
so,oour kind-hearted daddy went and ordered drumstick for all of us n he did asked the boy who was FORM 2! at that tyme does he knows wut is drumstick n he went on saying i,while waiting for drumsticks,we continued to eat our breakfast n till the end..the drumsticks did not appear..
well,my not-dat-kind-hearted-anymore daddy went to ask that boy n it went on lyke this
daddy : adik,mn drumsticknye?
adik : abg..drumstick tu ape?
daddy : aik..kate tau..drumstick tu peha ayam..
adik : tny kwn sy dkt blkg uh..dier kate drumstick to PEMUKUL DRUM!!
daddy : aaaa? =.='
when daddy told us again about the incident,we do laugh out loud..because hey man..form 2 doesnt know wuts drumstick most be horrible..hehehehhehe..but can also b a lesson but that was previous days story..hehehehhehehe..but,i tell u again,all of us couldnt stop laughing if daddy tells us the story over n over loved ones..hehehhe
love,b :)
Monday, December 1, 2008
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz's great to rewrite all the alphabets that we used to write it during kindergarten..heehehhe..
they'r d numbers we used to learn during preschool,rite? :)
kindergarten is great..preschool is great..wish that i can turn this all back to lil' kids tyme..
hey..i really miss it..(suddenly?kinda..) hurm
p/s:tuition today might be kecoh2 one..with the four of us there n mr yusri joining us..hahahah..cnt wait..pity pn jega ;)'s great to rewrite all the alphabets that we used to write it during kindergarten..heehehhe..
they'r d numbers we used to learn during preschool,rite? :)
kindergarten is great..preschool is great..wish that i can turn this all back to lil' kids tyme..
hey..i really miss it..(suddenly?kinda..) hurm
p/s:tuition today might be kecoh2 one..with the four of us there n mr yusri joining us..hahahah..cnt wait..pity pn jega ;)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
sitting here :)
sitting here in subang..making me thinks..think of what??hurm...nothing i guess..hahahah..
well..i've been in subang since last night bcoz of my aunty is going HAJI we're going to send her...hurm..
nothing much...juz busy wit my nephew n nieces..heheheh..quite tired lyn dorg ni but it's fun! :)
well,i messaged diba just now n she's at d mazris pny ceramah keta n she told me faiz is there too..hehehe..n next,mel messaged me pula n told to wish her gud luck bcoz she will be taking test for L for motorcycle..GUD LUCK MY DEAR FRIEND!
all of this makes me think,mommy n daddy! please let me take the license immediately after my birthday..pretty pretty please :( i'm quite xpuas hati bcoz they told me i cn only take my licnese AFTER spm..haish! damnit..hahahaha...their reasons r nnt i must be so teruja to drive car that i wont study (hah..i wont la ;) n plus bcoz all my other siblings took theirs after the exams..heeee...susahnye hidup..ahahahahha
me n diba will start our tuition next week with chem (pn jega ajar ok!) hehehehe...n mel wanted to join us,u'r most welcome..hehehe..physics will start soon too n acc will b on wednesday..hurm..add maths is still tga rearrange bcoz of the teacher's pack,'the study',i guess will start next week,hello books!geezzz...cnt imagine..hehehe
kla..done of merepek..
love, B :)
well..i've been in subang since last night bcoz of my aunty is going HAJI we're going to send her...hurm..
nothing much...juz busy wit my nephew n nieces..heheheh..quite tired lyn dorg ni but it's fun! :)
well,i messaged diba just now n she's at d mazris pny ceramah keta n she told me faiz is there too..hehehe..n next,mel messaged me pula n told to wish her gud luck bcoz she will be taking test for L for motorcycle..GUD LUCK MY DEAR FRIEND!
all of this makes me think,mommy n daddy! please let me take the license immediately after my birthday..pretty pretty please :( i'm quite xpuas hati bcoz they told me i cn only take my licnese AFTER spm..haish! damnit..hahahaha...their reasons r nnt i must be so teruja to drive car that i wont study (hah..i wont la ;) n plus bcoz all my other siblings took theirs after the exams..heeee...susahnye hidup..ahahahahha
me n diba will start our tuition next week with chem (pn jega ajar ok!) hehehehe...n mel wanted to join us,u'r most welcome..hehehe..physics will start soon too n acc will b on wednesday..hurm..add maths is still tga rearrange bcoz of the teacher's pack,'the study',i guess will start next week,hello books!geezzz...cnt imagine..hehehe
kla..done of merepek..
love, B :)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
23 : 40
as stated is 11.40 rite now but seems lyke it has been 1 in the morning..everybody is quite tired tonite i dun know why..but they does sleep early except for me..hahah..i think these last 2 nights ni,i didnt take the correct dose la bcoz or else i must have been lying on bed *zZzzZZzzz* hahaha
as wut i answered in one of the surveys in myspace,i'm really2 disappointed with the publisher..bloody ashsdksfkhdohfsos!
promise this thing,turns out to be other thing..dey machhaaa..janji mau kasi btul la len kl..i'm getting bored la waiting.cpat skit! as they promised,mags will b arrived tomoro by 10..stupid dum-dum..haha..if they r not there,i might be committing suicide i guess..-taaddaa-
by the way,while online-ing myspace juz now,i saw this one person is online..heheheh..excited till the top of mount kinabalu i guess..hahahahha...unfortunately,it was too late that i realised he/she online,bcoz it seems lyke by dat tyme,he/she had already offline..haish..poor me,poor bahirah..huhuh
n plus++ my sore throat has become worst by the day..ow men..i'm losing my voice as my mom keep nagging about.."adik,ur voice da jd sengau" n "adik.....something2"..i guess it voice changes thousand times i think for only today.damnit!
hurm,wut else to nag about?? thinking-thinking-thinking
ok! done thinking..i guess thats all dat i wanted to merepek about..toodles..n GOOD NYTE!
love,b ;) <3
as wut i answered in one of the surveys in myspace,i'm really2 disappointed with the publisher..bloody ashsdksfkhdohfsos!
promise this thing,turns out to be other thing..dey machhaaa..janji mau kasi btul la len kl..i'm getting bored la waiting.cpat skit! as they promised,mags will b arrived tomoro by 10..stupid dum-dum..haha..if they r not there,i might be committing suicide i guess..-taaddaa-
by the way,while online-ing myspace juz now,i saw this one person is online..heheheh..excited till the top of mount kinabalu i guess..hahahahha...unfortunately,it was too late that i realised he/she online,bcoz it seems lyke by dat tyme,he/she had already offline..haish..poor me,poor bahirah..huhuh
n plus++ my sore throat has become worst by the day..ow men..i'm losing my voice as my mom keep nagging about.."adik,ur voice da jd sengau" n "adik.....something2"..i guess it voice changes thousand times i think for only today.damnit!
hurm,wut else to nag about?? thinking-thinking-thinking
ok! done thinking..i guess thats all dat i wanted to merepek about..toodles..n GOOD NYTE!
love,b ;) <3
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
143 <3
i love u..i love u..i love u..
wth am i writing 143 n i love u?hahahah..suddenly i feel that i love u..all of u..not only u..but u n u n u n U!!
I LOVE U!! get it??
btw,my super bestfriend ;) ADIBAH, told me..that the school mag had arrived..yippee! i love u..hahahaha
i'm a spoilt brat n i love u..hahahah..i love u!!
i love nagging n getting angry n I LOVE U!!
sheeeessshh..people must be thinking i'm crazy..but wut do i care!!
i love u..i love u..i love u..
wth am i writing 143 n i love u?hahahah..suddenly i feel that i love u..all of u..not only u..but u n u n u n U!!
I LOVE U!! get it??
btw,my super bestfriend ;) ADIBAH, told me..that the school mag had arrived..yippee! i love u..hahahaha
i'm a spoilt brat n i love u..hahahah..i love u!!
i love nagging n getting angry n I LOVE U!!
sheeeessshh..people must be thinking i'm crazy..but wut do i care!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
back is quite bored..nothing to do but actually there r tones of things to do..hehehhehe..
went to cziplee,bought some bookss..ceh2..bersmgt ni noor bahirah nk hampeh..blk umah n tido lak..gegegeg
he is sitting for his final exams + no credits..haih..lg la bosan..
next year- 2009
me turning 17..huhu..thank god for giving me d chance to live this long n for me to sit for SPM!!
i know i'm not ready yet..i shud hav been studying rite now..but,lazy me..not now..huhu
n since it has been a long tyme since i read lots n lots of blogs,today i took d chances..hehe..found out,everybody have their own experiences to mcm da ketinggalan sgt coz seeing the number of entries that they posted in..heheh..
wut else r?ow having sorethroat + flu + cough = terrible..came back from kuching immediately i get all those three..bad..bad..blk vacation kena mkn ubat?sgt tidak BEST! but aside all those things,i missed all my nieces , mira n ecah n my nephew yusof..heheh..mereka sgt comel..but unfortunately,xupload2 lg gamba dlm komp..haish..again lazy me..
kla..thinking of to intai2 ape ade dlm bilik uh that need to be tidied up..haish..again..triple mls..
love B, XOXO
went to cziplee,bought some bookss..ceh2..bersmgt ni noor bahirah nk hampeh..blk umah n tido lak..gegegeg
he is sitting for his final exams + no credits..haih..lg la bosan..
next year- 2009
me turning 17..huhu..thank god for giving me d chance to live this long n for me to sit for SPM!!
i know i'm not ready yet..i shud hav been studying rite now..but,lazy me..not now..huhu
n since it has been a long tyme since i read lots n lots of blogs,today i took d chances..hehe..found out,everybody have their own experiences to mcm da ketinggalan sgt coz seeing the number of entries that they posted in..heheh..
wut else r?ow having sorethroat + flu + cough = terrible..came back from kuching immediately i get all those three..bad..bad..blk vacation kena mkn ubat?sgt tidak BEST! but aside all those things,i missed all my nieces , mira n ecah n my nephew yusof..heheh..mereka sgt comel..but unfortunately,xupload2 lg gamba dlm komp..haish..again lazy me..
kla..thinking of to intai2 ape ade dlm bilik uh that need to be tidied up..haish..again..triple mls..
love B, XOXO
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
hahahaha...people might be thinking i'm back but heh..i'm still in be specific..i'm actually online-ing in d library of uitm..gagagag...
it has been almost a week i'm in kuching n i really miss bangi..heheheh..not going anywhere so much here..since i dunno know where else to go..hahahah..this is my third tyme,kinda blank where to go..well,last sunday we went to is some sort of like pasar mlm la..but it is in d afternoon..n it was damn hot! skin felt lyke burning..this is place is actually at d sempadan of kalimantan,indonesia u know..
gegge..u cn walk till one area n next u'll b in indon..nearly the whole peniaga there were from indon..huhuhu..i bought for myself KAIN BAJU KEBAYA n it's pink in color..hahahah...loveLOVElove :)
hurm..i miss home,i miss my friends n i miss the two little cats..hehehhe..btw,i'll be back by this flight will b at night..damn it! i have been wanting to b on the day that i cn usha-ing outside the plane..but sadly, :( no-no for me..
what else eh??hurm..oh yaa..diba told me school mag will arrive around this week or next week..sorry guys..i thought u'll b receiving ur mag b4 schools end..ape pny publisher la..haish..
kla..till now..there r still much of things that i want to look at..k..toodless..
miss all of u so much!!
n miss him too..good luck my dear! ;)
hahahaha...people might be thinking i'm back but heh..i'm still in be specific..i'm actually online-ing in d library of uitm..gagagag...
it has been almost a week i'm in kuching n i really miss bangi..heheheh..not going anywhere so much here..since i dunno know where else to go..hahahah..this is my third tyme,kinda blank where to go..well,last sunday we went to is some sort of like pasar mlm la..but it is in d afternoon..n it was damn hot! skin felt lyke burning..this is place is actually at d sempadan of kalimantan,indonesia u know..
gegge..u cn walk till one area n next u'll b in indon..nearly the whole peniaga there were from indon..huhuhu..i bought for myself KAIN BAJU KEBAYA n it's pink in color..hahahah...loveLOVElove :)
hurm..i miss home,i miss my friends n i miss the two little cats..hehehhe..btw,i'll be back by this flight will b at night..damn it! i have been wanting to b on the day that i cn usha-ing outside the plane..but sadly, :( no-no for me..
what else eh??hurm..oh yaa..diba told me school mag will arrive around this week or next week..sorry guys..i thought u'll b receiving ur mag b4 schools end..ape pny publisher la..haish..
kla..till now..there r still much of things that i want to look at..k..toodless..
miss all of u so much!!
n miss him too..good luck my dear! ;)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
hey..that's me..hahah..i'm bored..stucked at home in d evening of the weekends..wohhooo..5 days to school holidays..but,i'll be flying to kuching on thursday,3 days of school to go..heheh..*anyone want sth from there..give me d money*
huhu..well,school holidays r around d corner which means spm is also nearby..the f5 students will be taking exam starting from tuesday..11/11/08 GUD LUCK i wish u all k..n looking at their preparations facing it,i was thinking will i be in d same situation or worse..i hope i will b prepared by the tyme..hehehe
n tomorrow,the school magazine will arrived at school n ready to be n lovely diba cnt wait 4 d results..tehehhe..
n btw,i didnt go out yesterday bcoz of some probs..n if i'm not mistaken,we'll be going out on tuesday eh girls??huhuhu...
i'm still thinking what to bring to kuching..haish..travelling is fun but packing for it could b headache..huhuh
kla..toodles..write later
love,b d'angelo ;)
huhu..well,school holidays r around d corner which means spm is also nearby..the f5 students will be taking exam starting from tuesday..11/11/08 GUD LUCK i wish u all k..n looking at their preparations facing it,i was thinking will i be in d same situation or worse..i hope i will b prepared by the tyme..hehehe
n tomorrow,the school magazine will arrived at school n ready to be n lovely diba cnt wait 4 d results..tehehhe..
n btw,i didnt go out yesterday bcoz of some probs..n if i'm not mistaken,we'll be going out on tuesday eh girls??huhuhu...
i'm still thinking what to bring to kuching..haish..travelling is fun but packing for it could b headache..huhuh
kla..toodles..write later
love,b d'angelo ;)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
firstly,after 6 months,i'm single,NOT! k..he's no one here,so near one je tau..agagag..merepek
hurm..well..this week pny agenda..
monday - gave abg syah the borang order gambar for majalah..guys,u'll get ur pics by friday or monday
tuesday - hurm..busy counting money for the order that we made..i didnt realised that i hold quite an amount of money..klu hilang,i'm dead! thx zara n diba coz helping me..hahahha
rabu - nothing quite important happened..we just hanging around till d school ends
thursday - for the first tyme,there were only 7 girls n few boys in our class..hahahah...didnt stay that much in d class..lepak byk dkt ino..hahahha..
friday - dunno yet..might receiving the gambars..hahahha
saturday - might going out wit d girls for movies..marathon i think..
sunday - no plan at the moment..
i think that's all for the moment..actually there were many ups n downs that happened this week..but i think it had already turns,i hope it will b ok till the end k..
okla,write later
hurm..well..this week pny agenda..
monday - gave abg syah the borang order gambar for majalah..guys,u'll get ur pics by friday or monday
tuesday - hurm..busy counting money for the order that we made..i didnt realised that i hold quite an amount of money..klu hilang,i'm dead! thx zara n diba coz helping me..hahahha
rabu - nothing quite important happened..we just hanging around till d school ends
thursday - for the first tyme,there were only 7 girls n few boys in our class..hahahah...didnt stay that much in d class..lepak byk dkt ino..hahahha..
friday - dunno yet..might receiving the gambars..hahahha
saturday - might going out wit d girls for movies..marathon i think..
sunday - no plan at the moment..
i think that's all for the moment..actually there were many ups n downs that happened this week..but i think it had already turns,i hope it will b ok till the end k..
okla,write later
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
thank u
hey u..i know u'll not be reading this..i dun think u even know i have a blog..wtv it is..thank u to u for accompanying last was a difficult one for me..but i'm glad u'r there..actually i xsangke u'll teman me..hearing all my problems..well,at least u'r not on my mind to share my problems with but,there u'r in d middle of the night..lending ur eyes to read whut i wrote..
thx 4 all d things u said to least some of the things u told me does make sth changes..thank u again..
thx 4 all d things u said to least some of the things u told me does make sth changes..thank u again..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
hurm..almost d whole day without news from u makes me i in d right side?am i doing the good thing?did i make a mistake in knowing u..too was too fast from d first day..till now..high hope on me..but me,now,afraid of giving high hopes..afraid that i might make a stupid decision that could turn everything upside down..i'm not ready for this..but how could i tell u..i'm done in breaking hearts..i'm done letting my heart being break..but sometimes i feel lyke i love being in this condition..but sometimes not..
i wish there is a way for me to tell u that i'm not fully ready for this thing to happen again..i wish i cn cry with someone beside me trying to calm me down..sometimes i regret saying those words..i regret in calling u that..bcoz i know my heart is not fully into u..but u on the other hand..saying the same words everyday,every tyme..till could i bare to tell u..
i hope god will give me a way when i wake up the next morning..every morning i wake up,thinking about the same thing..the things we went through with each other the day before..i wish we could just make it happen spontaneous-ly..i wish everything..n i hope u wish the same.
i wish there is a way for me to tell u that i'm not fully ready for this thing to happen again..i wish i cn cry with someone beside me trying to calm me down..sometimes i regret saying those words..i regret in calling u that..bcoz i know my heart is not fully into u..but u on the other hand..saying the same words everyday,every tyme..till could i bare to tell u..
i hope god will give me a way when i wake up the next morning..every morning i wake up,thinking about the same thing..the things we went through with each other the day before..i wish we could just make it happen spontaneous-ly..i wish everything..n i hope u wish the same.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
P n F
A : eh,chemistry senang
L : omg..i prefer physics than chemistry for the finals
A : why?
L : the ques were damn damn damn much harder for chemistry than physics
A : i hate chemistry too..i prefer the same as u..hahah..but doesnt lyke the both of it i think.
L : too..never ever lyke science subjects kot..since da first tyme we learned science during standard 4..haha
A : is it?
L : yup..i couldnt get any of da science subjects into my head..i would rather have a million of mathematics than one of any of the science subject.
A : really?
L : yup..but only modern no no to add maths
A : hahahha..
yup..that is me..never have science subjects that much in my head than maths..yippe! :)
L : omg..i prefer physics than chemistry for the finals
A : why?
L : the ques were damn damn damn much harder for chemistry than physics
A : i hate chemistry too..i prefer the same as u..hahah..but doesnt lyke the both of it i think.
L : too..never ever lyke science subjects kot..since da first tyme we learned science during standard 4..haha
A : is it?
L : yup..i couldnt get any of da science subjects into my head..i would rather have a million of mathematics than one of any of the science subject.
A : really?
L : yup..but only modern no no to add maths
A : hahahha..
yup..that is me..never have science subjects that much in my head than maths..yippe! :)
Friday, October 24, 2008
when the clock nearly strikes 12.30 noon..everyboday has started to talk n also asking for some answers..hahahha...genius!
well..when the teacher said 'ok..mase da tamat' suddenly heard diba said loudly 'next year spm' n i was lyke 'omg..da tua' since spm tandanye the end of schooling period..hurm..i dunno why but everybody screamed more about next year year spm..than exam da habis..hahaha..
n going down d stairs,pn nurul made an announcement saying that school reopens on thursday n everybody screamed lyke hell..hahah..but poor form 2..there r still exams ahead..gagag..
n i was feeling really2 super duper relieved with the end of the torturement(ade ke perkataan ni??hahaha..xigt) n now can enjoy to the fullest before december comes..huuuu...omg,i felt lyke i dun wan to enter chemistry class after this..hahah..since d exams ques were very very 'easy'.huhu..
i'm in d mood of missing someone..please come back now! my tyme will be fulled with online-ing n watching tv n goodbye books..gagagag...mommy cant say anything since exams is over n i cant wait to watch HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3..sgt xbole tahan eh..geeeeeeeezzz...actually there r quuite a number of movie i would lyke to watch..but will see..seriously cnt wait..
now,i can update my blog everyday,i think..tehehhe..till then,later update..
love,d'angelo :)
well..when the teacher said 'ok..mase da tamat' suddenly heard diba said loudly 'next year spm' n i was lyke 'omg..da tua' since spm tandanye the end of schooling period..hurm..i dunno why but everybody screamed more about next year year spm..than exam da habis..hahaha..
n going down d stairs,pn nurul made an announcement saying that school reopens on thursday n everybody screamed lyke hell..hahah..but poor form 2..there r still exams ahead..gagag..
n i was feeling really2 super duper relieved with the end of the torturement(ade ke perkataan ni??hahaha..xigt) n now can enjoy to the fullest before december comes..huuuu...omg,i felt lyke i dun wan to enter chemistry class after this..hahah..since d exams ques were very very 'easy'.huhu..
i'm in d mood of missing someone..please come back now! my tyme will be fulled with online-ing n watching tv n goodbye books..gagagag...mommy cant say anything since exams is over n i cant wait to watch HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3..sgt xbole tahan eh..geeeeeeeezzz...actually there r quuite a number of movie i would lyke to watch..but will see..seriously cnt wait..
now,i can update my blog everyday,i think..tehehhe..till then,later update..
love,d'angelo :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
exams?one week done..another week of torture is coming which is full of much much much torture with all d 'easiest' subjects in d world.not. pray to god i'll survive for d chem n phy *blank*
hurm..what happened today?ouh..ya..went to frim..quite a beautiful view to look at..thanks to ALLAH for his creation..hehe..the journey in d forest was not dat smooth..hahha..d ground was wet n slippery but that didnt stop me from enjoying d n diba was holding hands..hahah..u fall,i fall-u jump,i jump-u die,i die was our motto back there..the mosquitoes, u name it were huge n unfortunately we couldnt kill them bcoz they told us not to kill anything including the mosquitoes since they were included in their research..wtv la..
before going back,me,shaniz,ucop n syazwan followed pn.asmah to plucked jambu air..heh..the tree was high n me shorty could just pluck several but it was great..took extra for the others..hehehhe..arrived bangi around 2..
that's all..n owh ya..before i forgot to tell u guys,my bro brought a cat home n her name is kiki..she is so cute..
ow men..i dunno wats d problem..couldnt upload her pic..later i'll do it if i manage..
later then..i'm tired..bubbye
love, B :)
hurm..what happened today?ouh..ya..went to frim..quite a beautiful view to look at..thanks to ALLAH for his creation..hehe..the journey in d forest was not dat smooth..hahha..d ground was wet n slippery but that didnt stop me from enjoying d n diba was holding hands..hahah..u fall,i fall-u jump,i jump-u die,i die was our motto back there..the mosquitoes, u name it were huge n unfortunately we couldnt kill them bcoz they told us not to kill anything including the mosquitoes since they were included in their research..wtv la..
before going back,me,shaniz,ucop n syazwan followed pn.asmah to plucked jambu air..heh..the tree was high n me shorty could just pluck several but it was great..took extra for the others..hehehhe..arrived bangi around 2..
that's all..n owh ya..before i forgot to tell u guys,my bro brought a cat home n her name is kiki..she is so cute..
ow men..i dunno wats d problem..couldnt upload her pic..later i'll do it if i manage..
later then..i'm tired..bubbye
love, B :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
relieved :)
hey hey hey!!
it has been a long long long looonngggg period since the last tyme i post an entry here..huhu..i have some problems n i was not in d mood of online-ing at amazing.huhu..never mind..just put away about me not online-ing...there r way much much more important things to write about,rite..hehehhe is d 2nd week of raya i cn say since we started celebrating it on wednesday two weeks back rite..ehehhe..wonderful raya..i loike..i loveeee all my baju raya dat i bought for this loooooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeee ;) but i can just feel d enjoyment till saturday since i started to be sick on sunday
:( but,thank god..i'm recovering from it n i hope i will be recover anytime now..hehehe..but,dun think something else..
u may look me healthy outside but there's still left d kesan2 sakit one..heheheh...hurm..ok..back to the real is also the 3rd day of final examinations..thank god..english,add maths=bye.bye..hahahah..for the moment..there r still lotsa subjects to study for..i wish that i might score this exam although i was not well-prepared..again..i was,understood eh..
n just now,before we went back,pn syafini gave us letter for our trip to frim for school trip for sivik..oh damn..poor mommy..i cnt help her for d open house on sunday..i was thinking of baking cupcakes..heheheh...addicted for baking that kind of thing now..*giggles*
tomorrow..agama n me luck..havent started revising agama yet..waaa..kla..i'm signing out..write later..account tuition at 4..thinking for a nap for a while..hurm..toodles guys..anis-muahmuah..gaggagaga
love, B :)
it has been a long long long looonngggg period since the last tyme i post an entry here..huhu..i have some problems n i was not in d mood of online-ing at amazing.huhu..never mind..just put away about me not online-ing...there r way much much more important things to write about,rite..hehehhe is d 2nd week of raya i cn say since we started celebrating it on wednesday two weeks back rite..ehehhe..wonderful raya..i loike..i loveeee all my baju raya dat i bought for this loooooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeee ;) but i can just feel d enjoyment till saturday since i started to be sick on sunday
:( but,thank god..i'm recovering from it n i hope i will be recover anytime now..hehehe..but,dun think something else..
u may look me healthy outside but there's still left d kesan2 sakit one..heheheh...hurm..ok..back to the real is also the 3rd day of final examinations..thank god..english,add maths=bye.bye..hahahah..for the moment..there r still lotsa subjects to study for..i wish that i might score this exam although i was not well-prepared..again..i was,understood eh..
n just now,before we went back,pn syafini gave us letter for our trip to frim for school trip for sivik..oh damn..poor mommy..i cnt help her for d open house on sunday..i was thinking of baking cupcakes..heheheh...addicted for baking that kind of thing now..*giggles*
tomorrow..agama n me luck..havent started revising agama yet..waaa..kla..i'm signing out..write later..account tuition at 4..thinking for a nap for a while..hurm..toodles guys..anis-muahmuah..gaggagaga
love, B :)
Monday, September 29, 2008
2 days to go..
weee...hari raya is just around d corner..cnt wait! cnt wait! heh..went to gombak today,to the up arwah atuk n nenek pny cucu yg baik tau. :) we also put some flowers after repairing those two..n yeah..i lyke looking at it..nice-y..sgt sedap mata memandang k..n u guys remember ryte..d unlucky girl,nurin jazlin..huhu..i also went to visit hers..felt so sad for her..
n today,well myb yesterday (since now is already 00:00 am) is daddy's birthday..happy 57th yrs old,dad! huuu..went dinner at victoria station in pj..yummy~~
well,those r d two big events that took place for,tomorrow..waiting to pick up my baju raya at tailor..cannot wait anymore..heheheh..
before that,i would lyke to wish everybody SELAMAT HARI RAYA..sorry if i did something bad to u guys during the past..0-0 eh.. ;)
n today,well myb yesterday (since now is already 00:00 am) is daddy's birthday..happy 57th yrs old,dad! huuu..went dinner at victoria station in pj..yummy~~
well,those r d two big events that took place for,tomorrow..waiting to pick up my baju raya at tailor..cannot wait anymore..heheheh..
before that,i would lyke to wish everybody SELAMAT HARI RAYA..sorry if i did something bad to u guys during the past..0-0 eh.. ;)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
hurm..the title doesnt really presents wut i'm gonna to write i think..
well..everybody has d tyme when they have some sort of losing ideas,rite..
btw,i forgot to tell u guys..that i had already cabut or open?? my stitches..heheh.i thought it wud be so sakiitt..i'm ready to cry already at that tyme..but..haha..indah khabar dari rupe..i didnt feel la if i dun feel anything but it just happened so fast same as the tyme the accident,no more merepek..conclusion = i opend up my stitches already n now it takes tyme to recover..i think to joint up my kulit again,think so..
btw,on saturday,we went to this electrical shop in kajang to buy a new oven..n hell yeah..i was so excited thinking dat now i can bake as much as i can..heheheh..n yesterday,mommy n i tried the new oven..we baked a cake..n tasted yummy..i did packed some of the cake for diba n mel..hehehehe..enjoy the cake,girls..hehehe..
kla..mommy told me that we r going to bake cookies tonite..i hope it will turn out to be yummy n mengenyangkn perut ku..hahahah..
till then,toodles..
love b :)
hurm..the title doesnt really presents wut i'm gonna to write i think..
well..everybody has d tyme when they have some sort of losing ideas,rite..
btw,i forgot to tell u guys..that i had already cabut or open?? my stitches..heheh.i thought it wud be so sakiitt..i'm ready to cry already at that tyme..but..haha..indah khabar dari rupe..i didnt feel la if i dun feel anything but it just happened so fast same as the tyme the accident,no more merepek..conclusion = i opend up my stitches already n now it takes tyme to recover..i think to joint up my kulit again,think so..
btw,on saturday,we went to this electrical shop in kajang to buy a new oven..n hell yeah..i was so excited thinking dat now i can bake as much as i can..heheheh..n yesterday,mommy n i tried the new oven..we baked a cake..n tasted yummy..i did packed some of the cake for diba n mel..hehehehe..enjoy the cake,girls..hehehe..
kla..mommy told me that we r going to bake cookies tonite..i hope it will turn out to be yummy n mengenyangkn perut ku..hahahah..
till then,toodles..
love b :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
hidup ni susah kn?ape yg kter nk xdpt..ape yg kter xnk dpt..haish..mcm mn tu?awak...yg dekat sana tuuu...sana tuu la..bukan dkat sini..bgtau la..mcm mn? tp,yg dkt syg awk..jgn syg awk jg..yg dkt syg awk jg kot.. :? hidup ni perlukan dkt mn sy nk jumpa kesudahan tu?
*fikiran tunggang-terbalik*
*fikiran tunggang-terbalik*
Sunday, September 14, 2008
huhu..yesterday,i got my hair cut super-short..hahah..the hairstylist was asking me at first,am i sure that i wanna to cut this short,which is in the length between my ears n my shoulders..huhu..i said 'yes',he said that he would cut it into bob shaped but curly one la since i have curly hair..n i say 'ok..up to u'..
my friends had been complaining about me getting my hair cut was always at the shoulder..whatever i do,at the will end up paras bahu je..they were, i was..getting my hair cut that damn pics..since it is quite messy..hahaahah..xyah tunjuk lgsg la.. :)
well,the behind of my hair was at paras telinga i,imagine that is quite mengembang too..but,wtv..i can handle it so far..heheheh...the hairstylist asked what make me wanna cut my hair short..i said just need-ing new changes..hahah..n he agreed..everybody need changes rite..heheheh..
so,enuf about my back to my leg..heheheh..yesterday,after getting my hair cut,my sis n i went to mid..she was going to buy sth..n my parents fetched me up from there..mommy said this hair cut makes me look younger..hahah..isit mommy?i dunno..but,thanks for d compliment..heheh..
later on,we buka puasa at home first with some kuih-muih because daddy said we'll be having our dinner,in the car,he gave us three options,rice(village view),pizza(warta),fishy(alamanda)..n i chose fishy..hahaha..i was not in d mood of eating piza i think..hahahah...i was almost sick in d evening..having flu..coughing all the tyme..n my body temperature increased..mommy asked ..adik demam ke.. n i said..mybe..huhu..lyke d pepatah one la..sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga..hehehe..but,luckily,the temperature decreased after i took my shower..hehehe
so,we went to alamanda,ate at manhattan fish flu made it worse..i hate eating when i had my flu..because it will make me lose my sense of tasting..hahah..pape la..n went home..tu jela..heheheh..
p/s:ammar actually asked me to blog about my hair since i told him about it..heheh..
kla..xmau merepek da..
love,B ;)
my friends had been complaining about me getting my hair cut was always at the shoulder..whatever i do,at the will end up paras bahu je..they were, i was..getting my hair cut that damn pics..since it is quite messy..hahaahah..xyah tunjuk lgsg la.. :)
well,the behind of my hair was at paras telinga i,imagine that is quite mengembang too..but,wtv..i can handle it so far..heheheh...the hairstylist asked what make me wanna cut my hair short..i said just need-ing new changes..hahah..n he agreed..everybody need changes rite..heheheh..
so,enuf about my back to my leg..heheheh..yesterday,after getting my hair cut,my sis n i went to mid..she was going to buy sth..n my parents fetched me up from there..mommy said this hair cut makes me look younger..hahah..isit mommy?i dunno..but,thanks for d compliment..heheh..
later on,we buka puasa at home first with some kuih-muih because daddy said we'll be having our dinner,in the car,he gave us three options,rice(village view),pizza(warta),fishy(alamanda)..n i chose fishy..hahaha..i was not in d mood of eating piza i think..hahahah...i was almost sick in d evening..having flu..coughing all the tyme..n my body temperature increased..mommy asked ..adik demam ke.. n i said..mybe..huhu..lyke d pepatah one la..sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga..hehehe..but,luckily,the temperature decreased after i took my shower..hehehe
so,we went to alamanda,ate at manhattan fish flu made it worse..i hate eating when i had my flu..because it will make me lose my sense of tasting..hahah..pape la..n went home..tu jela..heheheh..
p/s:ammar actually asked me to blog about my hair since i told him about it..heheh..
kla..xmau merepek da..
love,B ;)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
ahahaha..nohelpian??i dunno why..but i'm in love saying n writing that word..hahaha..thx BARNYARD! well..see..this is d result when u stayed home for too is my bestfren for the moment..i was supposed to go to school today..but yeah..escaping it is d best aku merepek ni..wtv..n yeah..tomorrow is friday n i'm still considering whether i should go to school tomorrow or have d whole week holiday..hahah..lazy ass..
well..well..well..if i do not want to go tomorrow..hurm..can u guys give me any suggestions to tell my parents that i'm so malas to go to school??hahahah..if u do..kecik tapak tangan,malaysia ni aku tadahkn..hahahahah...n today is the 5th day i'm not fasting..of course la kn..the pain is still there..must take medicine laa..gegegge..n yesterday went to d doctor..they did some dressing(cmtu kot eja..tatau) dkt my luka..n hell-oo it is still hurts n this time i managed to take a picture of my little toe..hehehe..scarryy.. :)
she told me next monday bole buka da jahit..n i'm so so not ready for that..n adding to my worries,syaza told me that biler buka jahitan,u cn feel the benang being tarik..n i was already lyke wuuutttt???????!,wish me gud luck for that..hahahah..n yesterday also,i went back from d clinic straight away went to syaza's house since she will be leaving us TODAY!! omg..i'm gonna miss u lyke hell..waaaa...we had a chit-chat..asking her wut's her plan there..wishing her gud luck n take care n she reminded me not to change my hp no bcoz it wud be difficult for her to contact me when she comes back dear,i know u might not read this but yes..GUD LUCK N TAKE CARE there! DONT FORGET US HERE!! :(
till then..adios
well..well..well..if i do not want to go tomorrow..hurm..can u guys give me any suggestions to tell my parents that i'm so malas to go to school??hahahah..if u do..kecik tapak tangan,malaysia ni aku tadahkn..hahahahah...n today is the 5th day i'm not fasting..of course la kn..the pain is still there..must take medicine laa..gegegge..n yesterday went to d doctor..they did some dressing(cmtu kot eja..tatau) dkt my luka..n hell-oo it is still hurts n this time i managed to take a picture of my little toe..hehehe..scarryy.. :)
she told me next monday bole buka da jahit..n i'm so so not ready for that..n adding to my worries,syaza told me that biler buka jahitan,u cn feel the benang being tarik..n i was already lyke wuuutttt???????!,wish me gud luck for that..hahahah..n yesterday also,i went back from d clinic straight away went to syaza's house since she will be leaving us TODAY!! omg..i'm gonna miss u lyke hell..waaaa...we had a chit-chat..asking her wut's her plan there..wishing her gud luck n take care n she reminded me not to change my hp no bcoz it wud be difficult for her to contact me when she comes back dear,i know u might not read this but yes..GUD LUCK N TAKE CARE there! DONT FORGET US HERE!! :(
till then..adios
Sunday, September 7, 2008
sakit wooo!!,i overcomed one of my worst nightmare which is jahit..luckily they bius-ed my toe or else i'll just kick d doctor..well,it all went lyke this..after having my sahur..i was standing at the sink to wash my plates..actually it happened to fast dat i cannot remember how does the tiles fall..sedar2 my toe was already bleeding..not a little2 bleeding ok,there was already blood around my toe..n then i went on shouting 'blood!blood!'.. mommy asked me to be calm but whut do u expect if ur leg is bleeding n it is HURT!! of course la shouting is one of d best way to handle u all know me la kn..shouting is the gooooodd thing..hahahah..
later,daddy balut my toe with double layer of kitchen towel n owh man...d bleeding was too much dat almost d whole tisu was full of blood..u imagine k..we went to the klinik zalfah because that is d only clinic i think which opens 24 hours luckily..or else i dunno wut will happened to my toe..i was already imagining doctor says that the cut is too serious dat we need to do operation or sth..omg..if dat really happens,i couldnt imagine it..
arrived there,they straight away brought me into the room..when the doctor took away the tissue from my toe..the tisu is already lunyai with terrible it is..n the nurses were cleaning it..n LUCKILY d doctor said dat d cut is not so serious n maybe my toe kena only d serpihan..bcoz doc said if kena d big piece there might be possibility my toe patah n d luka must be dalam n wut r..tendon(dunno how to spell) i think could be koyak..woo..dat one i really2 xleh byg one..
suddenly i felt lyke d doc was tearing sth..i was lyke omg! ape doc ni bwt ni.. i was crying all d way..n after all d cleaning thing finish..d doctor said ni kena jahit ni... n i was xnk..xnk..xde cara lain ke... doc ckp ade gam..hahah..i do know la whut kind of gam will it be..gam gajah kot..hahaha..n i said i prefer gam but d doc said they dun have d gam..n they tried to call az-zahra n they were out of stock n an-nur they r not,daddy said jahit jela..n tuhan jela tau how i felt at dat tyme..n luckily again..doc said ade bius kalau xde lyke i said before mmg kena tendang r doc uh..hahahah...
doc ckp la yg bius pn pki jarum n i was so brave..(brave la sgt) g ckp..owh..tu xpe..jarum bius xkisah...hahahaha..xkisah la sgt..mase doc uh nk cucuk it was hurt n aku yg bengong ni bole lak terlepas ckp shitshit!shit!... hahahahahah..xterpk lgsg..sekali kena sound dgn doc, "adik,selawat dik..bukan ckp bende tu" i was so segan at that tyme..hahhahahha...terus senyap k..n yeah! d bius jln k..i dun feel anything ms kena jahit uh tp xsanggup gak nk tengok..when d third stitch abis belum ikat..i said to mommy i want to see..i see laa..wuhuhu..agk scary r..n d jarum was lyke mata kail tu pny bentuk bengkok but d halus one la..huhu..
i got my mc for 3 days..doc said 3 hari jgn bg kena air..takut benang terbuka..n one week later br bole buka tu kaki tengah kebas x rs pape best..hahahah..sbb x sakit..skali smpi umah..bius da nk abis..mak aih..sakit gler...pedih is d important thing eh..n now,i have to walk using tongkat..huhu..n after the incident..i'm quite phobia with heavy thing n things fall...n today i was not fasting..hehehhe.. :) yela..nk mkn ubat cmne kalau puasa en...hahahah..
itu of my worst nightmare..i was so scared before this bler dga org kena jahit n try to avoid kena jahit..but well,people always say dat u must overcome ur nightmare..n here i come..hahahaha..kla..toodles..i'll tell more if there is other experience dat i had gone through k...n diba,sory..byk kl ko kena duk sorg kn tahun ni..sorry darling..k guys..tata..
B ;)
later,daddy balut my toe with double layer of kitchen towel n owh man...d bleeding was too much dat almost d whole tisu was full of blood..u imagine k..we went to the klinik zalfah because that is d only clinic i think which opens 24 hours luckily..or else i dunno wut will happened to my toe..i was already imagining doctor says that the cut is too serious dat we need to do operation or sth..omg..if dat really happens,i couldnt imagine it..
arrived there,they straight away brought me into the room..when the doctor took away the tissue from my toe..the tisu is already lunyai with terrible it is..n the nurses were cleaning it..n LUCKILY d doctor said dat d cut is not so serious n maybe my toe kena only d serpihan..bcoz doc said if kena d big piece there might be possibility my toe patah n d luka must be dalam n wut r..tendon(dunno how to spell) i think could be koyak..woo..dat one i really2 xleh byg one..
suddenly i felt lyke d doc was tearing sth..i was lyke omg! ape doc ni bwt ni.. i was crying all d way..n after all d cleaning thing finish..d doctor said ni kena jahit ni... n i was xnk..xnk..xde cara lain ke... doc ckp ade gam..hahah..i do know la whut kind of gam will it be..gam gajah kot..hahaha..n i said i prefer gam but d doc said they dun have d gam..n they tried to call az-zahra n they were out of stock n an-nur they r not,daddy said jahit jela..n tuhan jela tau how i felt at dat tyme..n luckily again..doc said ade bius kalau xde lyke i said before mmg kena tendang r doc uh..hahahah...
doc ckp la yg bius pn pki jarum n i was so brave..(brave la sgt) g ckp..owh..tu xpe..jarum bius xkisah...hahahaha..xkisah la sgt..mase doc uh nk cucuk it was hurt n aku yg bengong ni bole lak terlepas ckp shitshit!shit!... hahahahahah..xterpk lgsg..sekali kena sound dgn doc, "adik,selawat dik..bukan ckp bende tu" i was so segan at that tyme..hahhahahha...terus senyap k..n yeah! d bius jln k..i dun feel anything ms kena jahit uh tp xsanggup gak nk tengok..when d third stitch abis belum ikat..i said to mommy i want to see..i see laa..wuhuhu..agk scary r..n d jarum was lyke mata kail tu pny bentuk bengkok but d halus one la..huhu..
i got my mc for 3 days..doc said 3 hari jgn bg kena air..takut benang terbuka..n one week later br bole buka tu kaki tengah kebas x rs pape best..hahahah..sbb x sakit..skali smpi umah..bius da nk abis..mak aih..sakit gler...pedih is d important thing eh..n now,i have to walk using tongkat..huhu..n after the incident..i'm quite phobia with heavy thing n things fall...n today i was not fasting..hehehhe.. :) yela..nk mkn ubat cmne kalau puasa en...hahahah..
itu of my worst nightmare..i was so scared before this bler dga org kena jahit n try to avoid kena jahit..but well,people always say dat u must overcome ur nightmare..n here i come..hahahaha..kla..toodles..i'll tell more if there is other experience dat i had gone through k...n diba,sory..byk kl ko kena duk sorg kn tahun ni..sorry darling..k guys..tata..
B ;)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
read someone's blog..n found this one quote..quite sweet n so i would lyke to share it with u guys..
It's u that i love,
It's u that i care about.
even if u could never be mine. :)
love, B ;)
It's u that i love,
It's u that i care about.
even if u could never be mine. :)
love, B ;)
hari ke-enam
hey guys n is already the sixth of september n the sixth day of fasting..heheh..if i'm not dat late..HAPPY FASTING, EVERYONE! :) ok..since there is no entry yet,for this,this one will be d first one..i was being busy lately..many things to catch up which i dun think i managed to do all of it..n i read dibasyg's blog..saying dat,lots of hw could not be finished since d fasting month,i can say that it is hw was like menimbun ya rabbi..but i'm so so so ashsdkjd lazy to do,i think i'll try to do it this weekend.pray for me to finish it up..hahah..
well,today me n diba was busy completing our works for d school magazine n it seems like xde benda pn yg berubah..complete this one..there r still thousands of work to do n adding the those dat some of the pics r lost..n i was me..when it will be ended..never mind..since this is d fasting month,so patient is required n i hope all of those works could be settled down before raya..'s almost raya..yay!
n btw...yesterday was mel's birthday..we baked her cupcakes..n it was so lovely..the pics r with,later on..n tmorrow will be iman's,i'm wishing u HAPPY BIRTHDAY first..bcoz i'm afraid i might forget to wish,happy 16th birthday again girl...
n till now..enjoy ur weekend everybody!
n happy fasting!!
love me :)
well,today me n diba was busy completing our works for d school magazine n it seems like xde benda pn yg berubah..complete this one..there r still thousands of work to do n adding the those dat some of the pics r lost..n i was me..when it will be ended..never mind..since this is d fasting month,so patient is required n i hope all of those works could be settled down before raya..'s almost raya..yay!
n btw...yesterday was mel's birthday..we baked her cupcakes..n it was so lovely..the pics r with,later on..n tmorrow will be iman's,i'm wishing u HAPPY BIRTHDAY first..bcoz i'm afraid i might forget to wish,happy 16th birthday again girl...
n till now..enjoy ur weekend everybody!
n happy fasting!!
love me :)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
why it seems lyke everybody is moving...i dunno..myb juz 2 is for sure..n one i dunno..waaa...i cnt believe it..syaza is moving to uk..which is so so so cnt i notice from her message through the words..sorry darling..luckily i chatted with u this morning..or else..i dunno one of my bff since form 1 is moving..i'm so gonna miss u so so much...hope we still have tyme to hang around before ur flight k..i'm sure gonna hug n kiss u like crazy..cos i'm gonna miss u lyke hell(again)..omg..feels lyke crying through out writing this thing i wish from u..dun lost contact with all of us here.bcos we'll miss u lyke crazee(again!..see how much i'm gonna miss u) since u said u'r not coming back every many years u'r going to be there?lyke 2-4 years ryte..that's such a long long period..i hope we cn still meet when u come back to malysia..well..i hope u'll enjoy ur life there n dun forget us long best friend..I'M GONNA MISS UUUUU!!!!!!! :( syaza amirah ahmad syapawi..again!! bahirah is gonna miss u n bahirah love u damn much!!
toodles,B :(
toodles,B :(
guys!! the clock had strucked 12 midnight...n i hear some fireworks..this makes me feels more patriotic..heheheh...feel sad..dunno why..maybe the first year celebrating independence day by sitting at home only..but,it's least, i can still feel the patriotic-ness...hehehehhe....
btw, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!!! n good night! :)
btw, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!!! n good night! :)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
tomorrow is going to be d majlis penutupan for bulan merdeka..but why haa..this year celebration does not feel lyke previous years dull lor..since i'm in d choir school,as usual..performance..hahahha...singing d lagu2 patriotik one..waaahh..sgt indah bler nyanyi balik..hehehe..
btw,syaza gave me a small piece of paper with many touching words on it..thanks u..the words remind me of how was the first tyme i get to know her n then become so kamcing...waaa..missing all those tyme..well,we're still friends right..till the end of d day k. :)
hurm..bout my exam results,since i read some of my friend's blogs where they wrote about their results,now maybe i would lyke to share mine..huhu..well,i think i was doing quite good in all d subject except for dumb.dumb.i nearly failed it..but luckily i double checked d paper.n heh..*tink tink* add some marks n i passed d paper.heheheh..thank god but i still feels like killing myself since pn jega had gave us d same question for exercise during d sekolah ganti class n dummy me..not ever revising it back..damn it..regretful man!
me,anis,diba,mel + haziq stayed back after school for physics class which me n diba did not attend it..hahah..sori teacher..busy with redaksi..hurm..but,later on,joined d other three n went to 7-e where generous bahirah belanja mel n anis..hahahah..well,d fasting month is nearby (next week pn..lg brp hari je) so,buat baik r konon..hahah..diba,later i belanja u,ended up lepak-ing at d foyer..had some chit-chat n sharing experiences with all d laughing..then,by the tyme 5 pm..haziq went back,then d four of us walked to the cik manis..hahahah...mel went back..few minutes later..diba tumpang me..we went back n left anis alone..well,not alone actually..luqman was there,that's d end of KHAMIS..hehehhe
love B :)
btw,syaza gave me a small piece of paper with many touching words on it..thanks u..the words remind me of how was the first tyme i get to know her n then become so kamcing...waaa..missing all those tyme..well,we're still friends right..till the end of d day k. :)
hurm..bout my exam results,since i read some of my friend's blogs where they wrote about their results,now maybe i would lyke to share mine..huhu..well,i think i was doing quite good in all d subject except for dumb.dumb.i nearly failed it..but luckily i double checked d paper.n heh..*tink tink* add some marks n i passed d paper.heheheh..thank god but i still feels like killing myself since pn jega had gave us d same question for exercise during d sekolah ganti class n dummy me..not ever revising it back..damn it..regretful man!
me,anis,diba,mel + haziq stayed back after school for physics class which me n diba did not attend it..hahah..sori teacher..busy with redaksi..hurm..but,later on,joined d other three n went to 7-e where generous bahirah belanja mel n anis..hahahah..well,d fasting month is nearby (next week pn..lg brp hari je) so,buat baik r konon..hahah..diba,later i belanja u,ended up lepak-ing at d foyer..had some chit-chat n sharing experiences with all d laughing..then,by the tyme 5 pm..haziq went back,then d four of us walked to the cik manis..hahahah...mel went back..few minutes later..diba tumpang me..we went back n left anis alone..well,not alone actually..luqman was there,that's d end of KHAMIS..hehehhe
love B :)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
hahehuhiho's already saturday n tomorrow is sunday n next is monday,which means everybody has to go to school..whish is so so so LAZY!! haiyaa...wishing for another week of holiday,can meh??heheheh..
well,went to abang's convo this morning at putrajaya..damn it was cold in d hall..hurmmm...later then,me became sleepy...ate lunch at 3pm plus++...i think still can be called lunch or tea..or whatever..janji perut aku kenyang..bahahah...arrived home around 5++ thought that i want to take a nap..but since people always say that sleeps after asar is not a good,me straight away go in front of the tv,grab d remote n "click"..heheheh till now..d tv is still open but me taking chance since looking at the comp all,doing good things..accompany d comp..hahahah...
later,i'm going to alamanda AGAIN!tonight...looking for the twins present for their birthday tomorrow.HAPPY BIRTHDAY,BROTHERS!!.hahahha...i think this is d third tyme i'm going there..hahahah..still,not bored yet with the place..because *wink.wink*..hahahahha..for those who knows,they will understand it..hahaha..but,that was not actually d purpose going there,ok..hehehhe
kla,'s already maghrib...xelok online maghrib2..hahahah..says who eh?? dunno..gegeg...k..tata
well,went to abang's convo this morning at putrajaya..damn it was cold in d hall..hurmmm...later then,me became sleepy...ate lunch at 3pm plus++...i think still can be called lunch or tea..or whatever..janji perut aku kenyang..bahahah...arrived home around 5++ thought that i want to take a nap..but since people always say that sleeps after asar is not a good,me straight away go in front of the tv,grab d remote n "click"..heheheh till now..d tv is still open but me taking chance since looking at the comp all,doing good things..accompany d comp..hahahah...
later,i'm going to alamanda AGAIN!tonight...looking for the twins present for their birthday tomorrow.HAPPY BIRTHDAY,BROTHERS!!.hahahha...i think this is d third tyme i'm going there..hahahah..still,not bored yet with the place..because *wink.wink*..hahahahha..for those who knows,they will understand it..hahaha..but,that was not actually d purpose going there,ok..hehehhe
kla,'s already maghrib...xelok online maghrib2..hahahah..says who eh?? dunno..gegeg...k..tata
Thursday, August 21, 2008
guys..hehehe..u can call me what u want..i dun care..hhahah..talking about this unique thingy..i just want to tell the unique of being malaysian..i was watching the debate thingy yesterday at tv..both of them r chinese but they were debating using bahasa mom made me noticed about that thing n she was matter what kind of religious or races we are..but when it came to some things,they still talk in d same languange..
huhuuhu..that was my opinion..up to u readers what do u want to think about that..myb u think this thing is quite lame..but i still makes me wanna write about u!
tata, ;)
huhuuhu..that was my opinion..up to u readers what do u want to think about that..myb u think this thing is quite lame..but i still makes me wanna write about u!
tata, ;)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
long period, was quite a tiring tired of crying last night..but,now..i'm so so so happy for someone dat i love..heeee...i'm happy for u darling..i dunno what's coming up for me tomorrow..hopefully,it's going to turn out being well..till then,adios...
love,me ;)
love,me ;)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
yeay! has starts..hahha..but sth makes my holiday lil' bit happier..account a1..hahah..actually,d question was so,not dat challenging la..heheh
btw,last night,went to the high school musical with diba..daddy sent us there..heheh..thanks! was so happening..really enjoyed it..sorry but no pics available..hahahah..diba,wildcats eh..gegeg..n me,yeay troy..hahha..i was so impressed watching them skating..they were really2 talented n professional..heheh...
i wish to watch more of dat kind of thing in future..hahah..although,those things are more suitable for children in primary school..but wut do i care..people older than them also need entertainment,right? :) we bought some kind of was wildcats,n one was was so cute n myb d cheapest souvenier there..hahahah..d popcorn was also rm10..gagagag..
well,it was high school musical..wut do u aspect(btul ke?forgot d correct spelling)..bahahahha...
k guys..myb there will be lots of entries during this school holiday..since its holiday n have plenty of tyme to sit in front of d comp n typing..hahah..k..toodles..btw,congrats ammar dpt abg ipar..gegegge ;)
btw,last night,went to the high school musical with diba..daddy sent us there..heheh..thanks! was so happening..really enjoyed it..sorry but no pics available..hahahah..diba,wildcats eh..gegeg..n me,yeay troy..hahha..i was so impressed watching them skating..they were really2 talented n professional..heheh...
i wish to watch more of dat kind of thing in future..hahah..although,those things are more suitable for children in primary school..but wut do i care..people older than them also need entertainment,right? :) we bought some kind of was wildcats,n one was was so cute n myb d cheapest souvenier there..hahahah..d popcorn was also rm10..gagagag..
well,it was high school musical..wut do u aspect(btul ke?forgot d correct spelling)..bahahahha...
k guys..myb there will be lots of entries during this school holiday..since its holiday n have plenty of tyme to sit in front of d comp n typing..hahah..k..toodles..btw,congrats ammar dpt abg ipar..gegegge ;)
Friday, August 8, 2008
why me?
i juz knew u for a while..but i dunno whether the feeling is there or not.but i really feel that i'm an idiot right now.feeling being played.i know i dont know u well..but why i had been treated lyke that what the results that i get for being nice to u..dun take me for granted.i have feelings too..please..i wish.i hope.if u'r really do,show it..
my emotions are really2 not stable right,please,dun mess with it..cause once u mess with it..u would not lyke what u will hear from..those words..those things...oh god..please send me my guardian..i wish for a real guardian right now..that can be beside me all day n night..god oh god..
till then,
X love,
my emotions are really2 not stable right,please,dun mess with it..cause once u mess with it..u would not lyke what u will hear from..those words..those things...oh god..please send me my guardian..i wish for a real guardian right now..that can be beside me all day n night..god oh god..
till then,
X love,
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

it has been a while since my last blog is it..hurm..exams r just around d corner..but i'm so f***ing malas mau study..lyke..alaaa..there are a lot more other interesting things than reading books i think..well,this is whut is think when i'm so not in d mood of reading any school materials..hahahha..lazy gurl!
tomorrow,d whole class is going to equatorial hotel to 'watch' quiz, i so so glad...but,whatever..looking forward to see what is going to happen tomorrow..gegeg.. :)
till then..papai ;)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
yes no yes no's school day..but i'm stuck at home..hahah..shud i blame my eyes that turn red or shud i jump high up into the sky to celebrate it..hahhahah??
everybody is at school,i think..unless those people who r sick just like me,rite..hehehe..
blanky as gorgeous! ;)
everybody is at school,i think..unless those people who r sick just like me,rite..hehehe..
blanky as gorgeous! ;)
Friday, July 25, 2008
i'm so blank rite now..but still need to update my blog..yana gave me this idea of writing about my cat..but yana..aku xde kucing la..hahahah..
it's already at the end of the week..tomorrow gonna be saturday n next is sunday..n then,it's monday there waiting for everybody..then it will just rotate till we meet d next saturday n sunday..n omg..suddenly i felt dat life is bored..hahahah..
omg..myb till now..seriously dun have any idea..better stop than continue,later..
N :)
it's already at the end of the week..tomorrow gonna be saturday n next is sunday..n then,it's monday there waiting for everybody..then it will just rotate till we meet d next saturday n sunday..n omg..suddenly i felt dat life is bored..hahahah..
omg..myb till now..seriously dun have any idea..better stop than continue,later..
N :)
Friday, July 18, 2008
nothing is private..
omg..cant u guys juz mind ur own business??internet is world-wide n wut do u aspect?cnt u give people their own privacy..lyke hello...juz stand where u r n dun cross d line..i'm not being emotional or wut..but can we have our own privacy if everything is being stalked n monitored...
hei man..u juz hav ur own life n leave d others to have their own sweeeet life..u'r making other people suffer for wut u did..u cnt control everything if that is wut u wish for..if u'r wishing for controlling everybody..please..i mean pleaseeee do it at other places but not at ours..
we want to have our own privacy!! n pleasee juz mind ur own life n beloved family..juz think if somebody did the same thing to u as wut u did to wud u feel..hurt,again..stay away from this thing if u cudnt bare to watch or wtv it is..stay away n go do other things,OK!!!!
me ;)
hei man..u juz hav ur own life n leave d others to have their own sweeeet life..u'r making other people suffer for wut u did..u cnt control everything if that is wut u wish for..if u'r wishing for controlling everybody..please..i mean pleaseeee do it at other places but not at ours..
we want to have our own privacy!! n pleasee juz mind ur own life n beloved family..juz think if somebody did the same thing to u as wut u did to wud u feel..hurt,again..stay away from this thing if u cudnt bare to watch or wtv it is..stay away n go do other things,OK!!!!
me ;)
lewat malam~
wth??it's already late night n i'm still sitting in front of d computer..hahaha..mampus la..xngantuk lagi..wut to do..
hurm..ape nk merepek ni ek?? is wut happened when u dun straight away type wut do u hav on my blank's late night but so lazy to go to aa?
ow2..i pray for tomorrow during chemistry there will be nothing dat will make pn jega gets angry..omg..cnt imagine..but luckily thx teacher..for not giving any hw for tomorrow or shud i say for today since skrg da kul 12 am??hahah..papela bahirah..
n d ceramah dat we had,was ok la..but my friend n i does not regret la paying the rm 1 for d ceramah..not dat bored n not dat great..just ok2 la..
n u2..i dunno why,but i thought dat u'r quite i-dunno-wut-to describe today..heeeeeeee.. :) i certainly does not no myself wut do i feel about u..sometimes yes,sometimes no..but today is a so so so yess..hahaha..
okla bahira..nightline pn is knpla ko ni xngantuk2 ag ni..hurm..wtv..till then,bubbye.. :)
me ;)
hurm..ape nk merepek ni ek?? is wut happened when u dun straight away type wut do u hav on my blank's late night but so lazy to go to aa?
ow2..i pray for tomorrow during chemistry there will be nothing dat will make pn jega gets angry..omg..cnt imagine..but luckily thx teacher..for not giving any hw for tomorrow or shud i say for today since skrg da kul 12 am??hahah..papela bahirah..
n d ceramah dat we had,was ok la..but my friend n i does not regret la paying the rm 1 for d ceramah..not dat bored n not dat great..just ok2 la..
n u2..i dunno why,but i thought dat u'r quite i-dunno-wut-to describe today..heeeeeeee.. :) i certainly does not no myself wut do i feel about u..sometimes yes,sometimes no..but today is a so so so yess..hahaha..
okla bahira..nightline pn is knpla ko ni xngantuk2 ag ni..hurm..wtv..till then,bubbye.. :)
me ;)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
today is quite n enjoying day.i dunno why..myb coz dlm klas td byk bwt aktiviti..ahahah..singing d raya song was quite a funny thing..hehehe..
btw,during physics,ucop was again, singing..i think he cudnt stop singing esp physics tyme eh..later on,suddenly,diba came up with idea,jom download lagu2 melayu lama..hahahah...i was lyke that's a gud idea..we were trying to recall as many songs that we could n yeah..when i thought about it again,recalling something from the past was enjoying..diba came up with many groups..hahah..wings,search n so on eh diba..hahaha..
n last week,we were again recalling about sth,diz tyme was about nasyid..hahah..hei,nasyid was a gud thing too ok bler igt2 blk..hahahah..myb,u guys think i'm so so ketinggalan zaman..but,whut do i care..u guys shud try to do d same thing n u will find that it is a good thing to do..
hurm..i think,till's already azan acc hw are so berderet but so lazy to do it..neva mind,be strong bahirah! hahahah..k..gtg..bubbye.. :)
me ;)
btw,during physics,ucop was again, singing..i think he cudnt stop singing esp physics tyme eh..later on,suddenly,diba came up with idea,jom download lagu2 melayu lama..hahahah...i was lyke that's a gud idea..we were trying to recall as many songs that we could n yeah..when i thought about it again,recalling something from the past was enjoying..diba came up with many groups..hahah..wings,search n so on eh diba..hahaha..
n last week,we were again recalling about sth,diz tyme was about nasyid..hahah..hei,nasyid was a gud thing too ok bler igt2 blk..hahahah..myb,u guys think i'm so so ketinggalan zaman..but,whut do i care..u guys shud try to do d same thing n u will find that it is a good thing to do..
hurm..i think,till's already azan acc hw are so berderet but so lazy to do it..neva mind,be strong bahirah! hahahah..k..gtg..bubbye.. :)
me ;)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
foreigners(are they)??
hancock is my superhero..hahahha...yesterday,i went to alamanda with my parents (well,gud girl wut..)hahaha..well,ayah was d one who suggested dat evening, 'let's watch movie in alamanda' n of course la i wud agree right..n since wanted is for 18 n above,hellboy xminat,so,i told him let's go for hancock..hahah..
so,we went there,maghrib there,bought ticket (damn it..left only d front row..terpaksa gak amik..huhu)n went to food court n mkn la,of course..later on,during our dinner,daddy was eating some sort of curry mee eh,dad?wateva la..n i dunno..but our table was quite mess n i said la 'ey,bersepah nye..letak la betul2'..n dad said, 'biarla..nnt bangla2 tu bole kemas..kalau x,diorg xde keja'.. n i was lyke wuteva la daddy
mlas tul nk bertekak over those bangla..not worth it pn..hahah..btw,i did argue with dad saying that ,'inilah orang malaysia..biler tyme2 mcm ni,br nk lah appreciate(not dat appreciate lah) bangla ade...tapi nnt sendiri gak bising,too many of those kinds in malaysia laa..n bla..bla..bla..'
so,wut i am trying to say is that..ntala..hahah..well,actually these r malaysians,who sometimes appreciate n sometimes does not(make sense ke ni??lantakla..heheh),i apologise la first,mnla tau kalau2 ade yg terasa..but i dun actually care la kalau ade terasa coz this is my opinion..everyone has different opinions,till's already maghrib n parents r already bising..gtg..bubbye
me :)
so,we went there,maghrib there,bought ticket (damn it..left only d front row..terpaksa gak amik..huhu)n went to food court n mkn la,of course..later on,during our dinner,daddy was eating some sort of curry mee eh,dad?wateva la..n i dunno..but our table was quite mess n i said la 'ey,bersepah nye..letak la betul2'..n dad said, 'biarla..nnt bangla2 tu bole kemas..kalau x,diorg xde keja'.. n i was lyke wuteva la daddy
mlas tul nk bertekak over those bangla..not worth it pn..hahah..btw,i did argue with dad saying that ,'inilah orang malaysia..biler tyme2 mcm ni,br nk lah appreciate(not dat appreciate lah) bangla ade...tapi nnt sendiri gak bising,too many of those kinds in malaysia laa..n bla..bla..bla..'
so,wut i am trying to say is that..ntala..hahah..well,actually these r malaysians,who sometimes appreciate n sometimes does not(make sense ke ni??lantakla..heheh),i apologise la first,mnla tau kalau2 ade yg terasa..but i dun actually care la kalau ade terasa coz this is my opinion..everyone has different opinions,till's already maghrib n parents r already bising..gtg..bubbye
me :)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
anbormal thingy,
it's thursday n tomorrow is gonna be friday..
my friends n i was lyke, "woo.cpatnyer ms berjln..da hari jumaat"..ya..i think everyone does realise dat ek?
things does go faster than before nowadays..diba kate nk does scares me..but try not to think about dat too much..kang kecut kng..juz sit still xbwt pape lak..huhuhu..
hurm..our last subject dkt skola td was est..n pn ruzlina was funny lor..she was talking about d couple thingy again but seems lyke i dunno how to say it,bukanla she looks lyk she agreed with d couple thingy,but she juz not ignore it(i guess?)..ok2..she was actually re-calling wut camry told us dat people who'r couple-ing r abnormal..
(diz was during d assembly)
my frend n i was already lyke,wth??mcm la korg xpnah couple dulu2 or mayb had crush on someone dl..duh-uh..i hate it when all d teachers sibuk ckp psl dat couple topic cannot r?
ok..back to pn ruzlina..before dat,(teacher,u cn actually be a theatre teacher lor)..hahahah..she was saying myb d 'abnormal' thingy dat d camry was talking is dat when u supposed to get gud grades n so on..but it turns out to be another way round juz because of they'r couple-ing..ya..maybe she's rite kot..i also dunno..hahaha..(mcm xpnah ade experience je)..gagaga..
hurm,juz one advice for the lovers..guys,nk dating pn,please be 5KM! away from d school k..hahahah...the teachers now r lyke d polis peronda..siap nk meronda2..gagag..
n also to d teachers,juz stop doing dat n smbung jela mengajar..hahahha..(who am i nk ckp mcm tuh?)
lantak r..everyone has d rights to speak in public rite..hahahah..i'm using my rights,dat's all..
enjoy d merepek thingy i wrote eh(tu pn kalau korg jumpe blog aku ni)..hehehhe
k..tata :)
me ;)
my friends n i was lyke, "woo.cpatnyer ms berjln..da hari jumaat"..ya..i think everyone does realise dat ek?
things does go faster than before nowadays..diba kate nk does scares me..but try not to think about dat too much..kang kecut kng..juz sit still xbwt pape lak..huhuhu..
hurm..our last subject dkt skola td was est..n pn ruzlina was funny lor..she was talking about d couple thingy again but seems lyke i dunno how to say it,bukanla she looks lyk she agreed with d couple thingy,but she juz not ignore it(i guess?)..ok2..she was actually re-calling wut camry told us dat people who'r couple-ing r abnormal..
(diz was during d assembly)
my frend n i was already lyke,wth??mcm la korg xpnah couple dulu2 or mayb had crush on someone dl..duh-uh..i hate it when all d teachers sibuk ckp psl dat couple topic cannot r?
ok..back to pn ruzlina..before dat,(teacher,u cn actually be a theatre teacher lor)..hahahah..she was saying myb d 'abnormal' thingy dat d camry was talking is dat when u supposed to get gud grades n so on..but it turns out to be another way round juz because of they'r couple-ing..ya..maybe she's rite kot..i also dunno..hahaha..(mcm xpnah ade experience je)..gagaga..
hurm,juz one advice for the lovers..guys,nk dating pn,please be 5KM! away from d school k..hahahah...the teachers now r lyke d polis peronda..siap nk meronda2..gagag..
n also to d teachers,juz stop doing dat n smbung jela mengajar..hahahha..(who am i nk ckp mcm tuh?)
lantak r..everyone has d rights to speak in public rite..hahahah..i'm using my rights,dat's all..
enjoy d merepek thingy i wrote eh(tu pn kalau korg jumpe blog aku ni)..hehehhe
k..tata :)
me ;)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
searching for better one,
diba,this one is for u eh.. la..actually,i have wanting to have my own blog to express or write anything,
so,at last,here it is..hahahha..
*clueless* actually..
ok2..diz is d real one..
i have been reading other people's blog for few tymes..n it make me feel lyke having a blog is a gud thing..
yela,kalau tension ke ape ke bole la tulis dkt sini kn..hahha..thx to diba,mok n ammar la buatkn aku nk ade blog juga kn..heheh..
i dun think we need any longer intro than this,,till then..wanting to know me better?maybe u can read my post...hehhe..till then again..tata.
me :) la..actually,i have wanting to have my own blog to express or write anything,
so,at last,here it is..hahahha..
*clueless* actually..
ok2..diz is d real one..
i have been reading other people's blog for few tymes..n it make me feel lyke having a blog is a gud thing..
yela,kalau tension ke ape ke bole la tulis dkt sini kn..hahha..thx to diba,mok n ammar la buatkn aku nk ade blog juga kn..heheh..
i dun think we need any longer intro than this,,till then..wanting to know me better?maybe u can read my post...hehhe..till then again..tata.
me :)
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