Thursday, December 24, 2009

tidak memahami

i went to a wedding on thursday night in putrajaya.kwn ayah.the decorations were fabulous.yup!

they had this some kind of arch but in the shape of 'sangkar burung'.it was lovely with the path was decorated with candles (they were real candles u know.not the one that people usually used the lamp) n there were also small bird cage hanging along the path.

so,blabla..we registered n found our seat.n THEN, when the ceremony was almost starting,there were a family came n sat in d same table.the son was heh.hahah..not bad.hahah..usha2 skjp2.hahah.bahirahbahirah. ok2.enought of it.while all of us were talking and me looking around at the hall. the father suddenly said "decorations dia ni mcm Malaysia ni negara christian"

and i was lyke at that moment couldnt believe what i just heard.ok,mybe some of u might be thinking that i was membesar2kn cerita.but the truth.for me,it was kinda rude for you to say like that uncle.luckily we were not the bride's would they feel?

and excuse me,fine,maybe you want it to be what?traditional?fine with that.but other people might have their own opinion n it's their special day.let them be.besides,malaysia is not a kuno country.we have many choices.duuhh.ok pakcik,nnt ank pakcik buat tradisional betul2 tau.

till then.

p/s:my mood lately is swinging badly and do not play around with can turn up to b hell.huh.tiring.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

u name it

ok.nothing much actually.haha.finally the internet has arrived at the beloved home.gah.

fine,what to merepek about ha?
owh ya.haha.good i'm lost.g-r-e-a-t.

btw,happy belated 26th birthday to si sister gemuk n yeah! u'r old wo-girl.hahhaah.(i actually had wished her yesterday morning.but since 'i'm lost',so another wish for her.hahahah) owh,this one is on the 22nd dec.

n happy belated 17th birthday also to HAJAR MARDHIAH BT ARIFIN :) the our not so-newcomers now.hahah.(this one i totally forgot till yesterday.) her birthday is on the 21st of dec actually.i'm really sorry eh jar. :(

ok,i'm done.will be back soon when i have the idea to write something.toodles :P

Monday, December 14, 2009

seperti dilanggar garuda

hahaha..that was what happened to our house yesterday.the cleaner ye2 la dtg pg tu to clean all up,skali ko haa..petang bler suku of the 46A dtg.hahahha..habis sume..i told mom ' serupe mcm xya suro kakak kemas'.hahahha

that was some of the things happened when mom's side came to any house.but it was exciting.

ok2.i dun actually know what to write.hhehe..

chow.i'll write now at my aunty's house.tumpang pki internet.ahahha...

p/s:-ayah,i wanna take driving lessons
-ayah,i wanna the internet again.hahah

rintihan seorang anak yg hampir2 mati kebosanan.hahaha

Thursday, December 10, 2009


hahahahhaha...i'm freaking miss my blog..hahhahahah..okay.the big exam is over.(ok,i know,it's a bit late since everybody had wrote about this few days before..but blame the no-internet-at-home laaa)..hahah

ok2..bahirah has start talking 10th december is the second day of freedom.but suddenly,i dun know wut to do.wanna know my routine for the first day of freedom?haha

1.woke up around 9.15-texted mel asking bout the plan-cancel it
2.straight away went down since no tv upstairs.
3.sat in front of tv till 11 ++
4.ate 'breakfast'.gagag
5.washing laundry (baik kn ;) haha
6.1+,hung the clothes and went for shower
7.pray n bla bla
8.went down but now brought along the text books to erase those stuffs (see..baik lg kn.hahah)
9.watched tv
10. 6+ went up to pray n let the cats out
11.brought the cats to the clinic (kiki was a lil bit moody..hahah..n alhamdulillah koko has gained weight.yeay!)
12.back home,pray,brought another round of books n started to erase again.hahah
13.had dinner,watched 'suraya'
14.fell asleep in front the tv.
15.went up,prayed n off to bed at around 1 in the morning bored it is my first day.haaaa.hahaha.thought of looking for a job.but not going to enjoy the days of freedom first,of course.hehe..

right,i'm of to go now.waiting for the cousins to call n i'm gonna make a move.hehe..bubbye.

muah.muah.muah :)

p/s : oh hahah..i just realised this is my 100th post.hahahah.excited lebih skit.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

what's wrong with you,dude?

i was sleeping this evening suddenly hp rang

m : i nk g blaja addmaths ni.nak ikut?
b : (mamai) erm..xpela.xyah.ibu xblk lg.
m : u tga tido eh?
b : hurm..a'ah,ahha
m : ok2.xpela.bye
b : ok,bye

m : hello
f : yes? (surprised actually)
m : (this person start to babble n accused me of what i didnt do!)
f : what the hell!!!

i was enjoying my sleep when the first call and continue it after that
but the second call made me really get up

i couldnt believe it.i dont understand WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU happened twice and i guess both of it are from u.cant u just let me enjoy my own life without having person like you screwing all up.stupid u know.i dont fucking care what the other side are doing,let us continue our dont have to pop up and be the evil part.stop it! i am so fucking damn annoyed and tired of all the accusations which are absolutely wrong.

the only person that i would tell anything first would be mel.and not u STRANGER.YOU ARE JUST THE SAME LIKE THE OTHERS.SCREWING PEOPLE LIFE ARE YOUR FIRST AND FOR MOST WORK.maybe you are glad seeing me being humiliated in front others.ok fine! u got it.what else do you want?

tell me.i can just simply write your name here,but i know it is not good to embarass other person.just face to face and tell me what the hell is not right with you dude.i f
orgive you for your stupidness i guess.

that's all.bye.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

matured enough?

i'm just saying this generally (owh,but actually erm..nothingla)
maybe some would say, 'girl, u'r just being too naive or straight or wuteva-i-dun-care'
but the matter of fact is,cant u guys just behave like one.excuse me,u'r leaving the school in less than 2 months,but idk.

the thing is why i'm writing about this,i cant believe this is how u guys acted.cant respect others who r still answering or not,but dude,the noise was just annoying oh-kay.

n plus,oh mai god,be tolerate la guys,we all know u guys have motorcycle(refering to some of them.not all) and all but may u please dun have to go and teran2 ur bike in the school lyke nobody's business.that is what we call PENCEMARAN BUNYI ok.

today was just so made me headache.ouch.

gerak gempur+lack of immaturity+pencemaran bunyi = can i hit something? urgh.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


i couldnt imagine that u would be this rude.

you,my dear friend,
not this kind of thing i thought would come out from u,
now,it just made me annoyed,
a friend of mine told me 'u should have deleted it'
but i know,i dun want to do that,
i guess.hurm.
i dun guess anything,
let it be.haish.
too much of tolerating?
u guess.

p/s : i just meant this to a person,but if others would love to think it is urself,help urself.i dont's ur own assumption.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


scene 1 : cross country

B : hey,u form berapa?
I : form 1
B : haa..diam!

scene 2 : in the car

M : nek cu,tu ape yg tiang due balut kain putih tu (what she meant was kubur actually)
N : haa..tu tanda da malam..diam!

hahah..ok,maybe some of u might not get it,but for me,if i repeated these,i would laugh off like nobody business..hahahah :))

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

a phone call

i was just sitting in front of the tv waiting for somebody,
suddenly "pelukla diriku dan jangan kau lepas.." went on.
i quickly answered it since there was no any picture. and that was a call that i never ever think was him.

F : hello
M : assalamualaikum.ape khabar?
F : waalaikumussalam.baik.ko mcm mn? (i actually didnt really remember how did it continue)
M :,ko tengah trial kn?ok x?
F : hahha..okla.bole la.
(later talk about raya...)
(suddenly we were quiet)
M : okla.assalamualaikum.maaf zahir dan batin
F : ok.waalaikumussalam.maaf zahir dan batin juga

and till now,i'm wondering,is that for it was for almost two years,suddenly it just popped up.

Monday, September 14, 2009


oh has been freaking 2 weeks i havent update my blog.hahah.well,i'm not gonna blame the trials la kn.xbaik.hahahah..i just managed to read others but not writing new one.blergh.

haaa.okay.trials r coming to the end.left 2 papers more.time just flies by without me noticing it.i thought that it was lyke two days before i was struggling to revise.and now,in a blink,it's almost done.i'm not going to think yet what would the results be,just bring me HARI RAYA!! hahahah..

left only 3 days before the holiday,the redaksi team are going to work our ass finish up the,here i guess,i'm asking the team to just really co-operate with the others.just put back for a while all the 'tak puas hati n so on' feeling,because me myself know,no benefits of it.

fine,put aside all the feelings,i'm just excited n thrilled with the fact raya is to meet all the cousins from all around.yeah! cant wait for the young ones especially! n of course,the DUIT,just like teya yang menyeru orang ramai,i'm gonna do it,uncle,aunty,sisters(hahaha),cousins n FRIENDS! ahahah..i'm coming.

and oh oh.last one.hahaha..i found already black baju kurung for damn excited ni haaa..hahaha

love ya :P

Monday, August 31, 2009



school reopens tomorrow and trial will be on wednesday,but now! i am sick.urgh.all this sneezing and hidung tersumbat and all,i am supposed to be heading for bed.degil me. :P

well,the sickness just came 'at the right time' i guess.hesh.i hate this.,i think it has give me emergency alarm to bed.better be off or it will be worse.

yada.yada.later guys :(

Thursday, August 27, 2009

recalling things


ok.i guess this is the longest period i left the blog.ha-ha.i was just being so so so lazy to update.instead i went n read all other blogs.huhu

school holidays r coming to the end n trial exams r coming up.great.not! trying hard to study everyday.huhu.

while i was checking up other blogs,especially the curry-mates :) n long lost friends,i realised now i just missed them very very badly.this is only for a few days break,how bout later,after finish spm,how can i handle this missing thing..yeah,maybe we could gather n go lepak-ing n all.but still,i dun think the feeling will just go.haish..n making thing worse,haha..i'm now listening to mellow2 songs.these songs really make the feeling cannot resist one.

now i wish we could stay together minus the school,of course.nah.thinking about it back,i would prefer it to b at school again.oh my i guess i know how they felt after the prom night.

i watched prom night movie( was actually a scary movie.blah blah ) but,there was this one part when they sat at the table,watching the slide show recalling their days at school.that really made me think,okay i dun think i would lyke this kind of situation.i dun wanna be separate with all of them.

huh.god.i just dont know.

now is the fasting,wishing everybody HAPPY FASTING! miss u guys badly and terribly.

lots love,
B :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009


evening.afta finish watching tv till im bored coz nothing to be watch anymore,now i'm here.still bored.ha-ha.

before i ended being this bored,now. i had a fabulous morning today.hehe..thanks for the school organizing the bowling competition.altho i played not that pro like mel en.xmampu la mel.hahah..congrats dowh baby for being top scorer among the girls.heheh

btw,i was so impressed with how mape n the gang played their game.i was lyke .wow. they were swinging it lyke nothing n scored it lyke a piece of cake which i envied that much bcoz cudnt play lyke that! hahaha..however,our team (me,mel,hani n nadia) did enjoy the game..hahah.. we even told each other yesterday "kalau masuk longkang,kter cheer lagi kuat eh! hahaha.." it was awesome getting to play with them..hehehe

n owh,adding to the awesomeness.haha..we ate BURGER KING! gaga..i'm so mengidam n prefer it much much more than mcd now.hehe..mushroom swiss is YUMMY!(bak kate teya) hahahah. n we got home afta that.oh no no.before i really got home,heh.i got to cuci mata.hahahahahhaha...only they know what it was about..hahahah..

well,i really2 enjoyed the early day of today.but am bored aite now.hahah

till then.,
love B :)

p/s : apa yang penting,kerjasama! :P

Monday, July 13, 2009

been ....

been very very lazy to update this thing..when suddenly i realized it has been 2 weeks i left my beloved merepek..hoho..

lil' bit update with what had happened :

*tepuk semangat-alhamdulillah we won the competition altho we did have many probs b4 dat..go KARI-PEOPLE.till end we succeed! heheh..this is for u PN NAZILAH!! woot.woot.gagag
*the reunion - well,this was actually daddy's reunion with the sdarians.while i were there,i was thinking,could my batch gather lyke this in 40 more years..some of dad's friends haven't meet each other for almost 40 years since they left their school in ',i were wondering...could we? i hope so. :)
* n owh.owh.before i forget..kiki is now a mother to 4 kittens.dude,they r cute..heheheh..owh,the date was 10th of july 2009..hahahah..there r 2 greys,1 with dark brown n white, n the other one is nearly the same colour as kiki..heheh..they r so so so cute..

those are i think,the biggest event that had took place in the previous weeks..

so,bubbye.. :)

p/s: to beloved sistah,mau gamba balik's not the same by looking at d pic than looking at them yah!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


homaigod.i guess the more tyme i spend at d canteen,in front of those dungus-flirting-damn-i-freaking-hate-u canteen workers,i could even have high blood pressure.the workers except for kak mai was damn GATAL! hamik ko.i couldnt keep it to myself already.they were just lyke the girls were not exist.hello!!! be fair lah dey! i had recognise this thing happened few years back.

well,nk gatal pun bertempat lah akak oi!! ni skola,bukan tempat cari jodoh.dengan budak skola pun bole ke,kak??haiyo.sgt disgusting tau ngakk!! *bluek!*

i have thousand of words that i couldnt type it out to what had happened.damn i hate u guys.annoying + disgusting u know.

before leaving,may Allah be with michael jackson.god bless him

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


seriously,this does not have anything to do with d telenovela ok! i'm just out of idea for title..heheh

haisho,i'm so damn lazy to update my blog la..but since,now i'm on,so i better do aite.i start with my same previous problem which i couldnt on my ym..urgh.n mel just told me dat her brother's ym has d same problem..urm,yahoo,hello?

owh n yabedabedoo.finally i managed to finish up my history essay which were way too too much.n ended up i went to bed at 2.30 am in d morning..haha..puan harvinder,puan harvinder.for the sake of u. n u guys know wut,great news! she did not enter d class today n i was so lyke..urgghh..2.30 man,2.30. but i do feel relieved at least i do not have anymore pile of essays to b done for now! la en..heeee..

the report card day will b held next thursday,but i didnt tell mommy n daddy yet..hahah..great daughter,aite.ggegeg.. i'm hoping it will turn out to b good,or else? erk.

kiki's tummy is getting BIGGER! n she is getting heavier..hahaha..but i still love her.she just reminded me of kangaroo by the way she sits,with the tummy just look bigger..hahha..n putih,now has become more manja with me..ahah..before this,she would just lyke to bite my hand..hahaha..d crazy putih.I LOVE BOTH OF THEM! gaggaga

k,till then.
gugu gaga :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009


erk..i hate it.can anybody just help me.i couldnt sign in for my ym n also i couldnt check my emails.i know i'm not that old to forget my id or password..but i dunno wth is happening..i just so-not-enjoying it now..siot laa..huh.

help me,anyone?

Friday, June 19, 2009

up N down

up n down the hill,here comes me (huh? hahahha)

first week afta holidays is tiring..but luckily d photoshoot session is done thanks to all the EDITORIAL MEMBERS!! heheheh...we managed to settle down everything.

n during d tyme,the teachers were also giving back our exam papers n the marks,of course.haish.alhamdulillahh :) i improved lots of th subjects n alhamdulillah again,i did not fail any subject this time..heheh..same goes to my beloved othe partner,mello jello.hehhee..

plus plus,my beloved lovey dovey kiki is gonna be a mommy kiki early july if not mistaken.gege.i hope she will deliver cute kitties.hahaha..cant wait for that!

btw,in around less than 3 hours,part of the form 5 students have to go to school for some counselling thingy,huhu..a lil bit lazy at first,but then find it,ok,i'm going.i dont mind kind of me aite.gagagga

till then,love u guys :P

Sunday, June 7, 2009


heyho miss merepek :)
ok.this is going to a jumble up post..hahaha.idk.i guess so.ngeh2
btw i went to semenyih this evening to my mom's friend house n went to another house which i'm so in love with.idk.d house was so big,huge,large n the kitchen is way to long that i guess nearly 100m long.u imagine urself.n plus plus,d house was so kampung style but had been modernized which haishh i just cant really explain how it was actually.hurm.there was the goose n chicken at one place,lil house dat looks lyke chalet which is so cute(this is actually d surroundings outside the house).haaaa... i had usually before wishing that i wud experience d real village life with d rumah papan n all the things.heheh
i had been imagined myself having a house which i really love to make it kampung style outside but modern style inside..heeeeeee..cnt really wait till i managed to have that kind of house.gegeg
another thing i wished for is,when i have a license,i wouldnt want to b a selfish-being-cursed-by-the-behind-driver driver.i wud love myself to b driving peacefully(may i?) without cursing others. d one dat i had experienced this evening was just making me feel lyke shouting n say ' bukan jalan bapa ko lah!" lyke this driver aint giving a damn about others. u guys might b thinking 'this girl ni emotional la" so wut.i'm juz expressing wut i thought n just really wished i wont b lyke them.huhu. :)
till then.nyte darlas. :)

Friday, June 5, 2009


came back from easy-maths camp just made me became lazy n lazy eventho my mind still thinking off loads of work to b done..huhu..i wanted to upload d pics from d camp but need to wait for the other 'lovely' laptop to come home,eh angah..hehehe

d first week of the hols is coming to the end,which is so so so not great! i wished for another week :( my hp just rang n it was message from beloved darling,mel asking when to go shopping.huh! yes! that one.big major thing to do actually this hols.huhu.. many things,so less tyme. wut to do.damn bored.n i just felt lyke hentak-ing my head at d is so painful.heeeee..

toodles..will talk later.

Sunday, May 31, 2009



mel-lo :) ily
oh.this is thye.the cute n handsome one..hehehe

n this is jajar's bontot ayam..hahahha
(only she knows wut it was about actually)

n this was our biggest surprise for d year!!
a huge applause to miss amiera azlyn for bringing her :)

i guess this year celebration was d most superb one in my whole life of schooling..yeah!!
becaues adding to it,there was ADIBAH NOR!!! N THYE(HER PROTEGE! DAMN HE IS CUTE) n some of us managed to take pictures with him but unfortunately not with adibah nor :(
n alhamdulillah,the teacher's photography session went well altho it was delayed for quite long..thanx to all the redaksi team!! :)

till to sleep..nytie-mytie
p/s : btw,will not b update anything till wednesday afternoon.going to easy maths wit d others.see ya!

Sunday, May 24, 2009



haaa..i've been wanting to update my blog but juz hav more things to do..thank god the exam week is now left to 1 week rather than before 2 weeks..hee..n it'll b holiday sooooonn..yeah! :)
btw,i'm gonna to attend an add maths camp with some of d clasmates,so bubbye school's xtra class.hahahha..

whut happened during d tyme??
owh.ok.i went to a wedding just now n dad talked sth about account thingy to someone at d table..n he mentioned this 'the malaysian accountant r highly demanded outside' the minute he said that,i juz hav sth inside telling me 'i want to be serious in accounts' myb its time to think for the future n i hope my wish to be an accountant will b a success..weheee.. ;)

other than that,many things did happen during last week..we had mom's birthday n we did a surprise party for her on friday..hehe..HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!! i just love the fact that everybody in my family co-operate n we did it! she was touched actually.hehe..i saw the tears,mom.ngeh2.

ok.time to go.need to revise for exams..ttyl :)
love B ^.^

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

B has been a while i left my baby here alone..huhu. been so busy lately with all th HOMEWORKS! damn it..this thing really drives me nuts u know.sheeesshh..

btw.things to update.
-selamat bertunang ye kakak KU! :) harharhar
-happy mother's day ibu..adik love u so so so so so much ;)
-exams will b on this friday but i juz dunt hav d tyme to revise.hw byk yg amppuuunn..

hehehehehhehe...something did cheer me up lately..gagagagaga..i just love looking around n spot something which really make me go haaaaaaaa...haaaaaa.. tehehheheheh..kinda make me excited at one point..

n yes.the redaksi will b having meeting on thursday with d teachers (suddenly mcm rs cuak.huhu) to inform them wit d progress with what is going on..ngeh.

n one more thing before signing out, urmmm..
nothing i guess..i was supposed going to upload some pics but unfortunately,those pics was transferred into angah's laptop which she had take it back..haaaa..nk laptop jp? geegeg

love ya :)

Friday, May 1, 2009


busy lately..will update this honeybunny soon :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


this week has been a very d busy-musy week with all loads of homeworks n piles of feelings inside (like hell..urgh-)

i just realised that this week,nearly everything in my life has back to the places n i'm loving it..i hope it will last longer or if could,forever...

i hope something could change someplace but i know,n i dunt think it will..


ttyl :(

Friday, April 17, 2009

woot* woot*

here r some photos during the debate team practising n prize giving ceremony :)
ok..this was after the prize giving ceremony :)

ehehhe :P

this was during the discussion..gehehhe

gummy yg comel!!

owh..hahah...this one was after gummy is tired searching for info..hahah has been a really2 long tyme for me not to update my blog,haa..heheh..well,i'm quite busy few days n weeks before..with all the bahas thingy..u know wut,since i joined d debate thing,it seemed that i forgot everything u see..i dun remember wut is d date n i dun even rememba that it was already saturday n i was lyke "eh,arini ari sabtu ek??" gagagag..

btw,we went to compete at the state level n alhamdulillah we managed to go till semi-final n got the second runner-up place together with daerah petaling utama..the period from the day mommy nazilah said that there will b a bahas ala parlimen competition till last wednesday,i could still remember everything..u imagine..4 days with 4 usul that r difficult n we struggled ourselves with less sleep (2-3 hours of sleep per night!!) n at d end of the day,headache came n attacked till today..haish..byk sgt angin ni..urut skit,da burp..hahahah
till then,will write lots more later :D
love B ^.^

Sunday, April 5, 2009

tears n happiness..

the weekend started off quite well..with sport's day on was great..did left memories for me to recall after school..eheheh..wished dat tun mahathir will win it as the gift for our senior year..yeahh..hahahha...owh2..someone made me to be on top of d world for few times,few minutes..only some knew who was it..heheheh..aaaa... angau sat... hahahha...

since syawal a.k.a lolo a.k.a hotstuff birthday is on sunday,the charisma children decided to celebrate it earlier since we knew we dun have other tyme to do,HAPPY ADVANCED 17th BIRTHDAY,LOLO!! heheheh..that's the greatest gift we cn give u..hehehe..

i guess tears did take a big place this week..hurm..i think i'm the one who broke down twice..but i'm lucky i have those people who lend their shoulders for me to cry on..thx sayang n darlings..u guys make my day..

n oh yeah..he made surprised for coming back this weekend..hehehe..well,he did managed to surprise me although i did have instinct saying that he might not b calling this week bcoz he's coming home n he's gonna surprise me n yeah!! *dingding* bahirah's instinct hit the spot..hahah..although at first my hope for it was 60-40..heheh..but yeay..for him,coming back..does give me 'semangat' for something..thx so much.. n also thx to mel sygkusmpimati..saye sgt sayang awak n saya taknak hilang awak,k :)

that's's late..
btw,i DO love charisma although many things came up n might b happening..thx 5 charisma for making my u guys!! :)

love,B :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

first of all,

i would lyke to wish our beloved iman n her family 'takziah' for the death of his dad..we know u'r a strong girl..make ur father a successful doctor just lyke him.dun make this as a block for u to success k,darling :) all of us will always be here if u need us ;)

ok..the 'agenda' for today..our english oral had been changed from presenting songs to forum/talk show.heh.too bad n it needs to be represented TOMORROW! imagine meh..luckily i got choong n edan..heheh..i hope it will turn out to be just find tomorrow..

during agama,there was this 'pencerap' or sth i dunno wuts he is called as,we had to behave ourselves but damn,nearly everyone was usual..agama sleepy time..hahaha..but luckily we still cn managed it..ffuhh.. :)

owh,n mel decided on the spot to stay back n do karangan..heh..but naah..we went n watched tarik tali n was screaming lyke a mad one u know..hurm..congrats the TUN MAHATHIR'S girls for qualifying to the finaln meet our 'musuh tradisi' en,the yellow one..blergh..hahahah..congrats also for the boys..u guys did a good job..pity n mel was quite emo..hahaha..when some of them were injured..very d semangat kesukanan u know..n i nearly fell into the big2 longkang behind me but luckily there was the fences but heh..tu pn da melengkung..hahah..btw,u guys did a gud job for third place..still win meh..heheheh..

btw,before i forgot,i was fasting k with mel..but hell yeah..we were giving support lyke yeahh..heheheh..i lovelovelovelovelove the tun mahathir so yellow..hahhaha....

kla..hwhwhw..always the nightmare of the day rite..heh..gtg..
love ya.. h/b <3

Thursday, March 26, 2009


nothing has to do with bonda actually..just simply picked up a title..hahah
owh..a message n a phone call just now just lighten up my day a's long as there is..

hurm..i guess maths is the most that i would lyke to do even how complicated it can be..n karangan will b the least n this is wut happens..i'm writing this..heheh..

M : r u going to do it?
B : i dunno..i think i will..
M :owh..ok.tell me if u'r idea is still in perlis..
B : owh..mine is in greenland..hahaha


i need an angel or someone angelic enough to help with the hws..haisho...why cant i just have one day withour hws?teachers..prettayy pleasee :(

plus..sports day is next week n the preparations r quite is just not as meriah as it used to be,well,from my viewing la kn..heee..happy sport-ing day guys..

k2..need to do answer sej kendiri n after dat i might b wondering wut to do although there r pile of homeworks to b done..

love, b :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


hallelujah there anybody infact?
but my homeworks doesnt reduce..oh man..
tons of homeworks to be done n hw that will b coming..haish..

missing him..
B : how long will u b coming home back?
L : a month maybe..
B : a month? hurm..
L : why?
B : miss u
i just dont think it would be a month..i think it's gonna b one month plus..haish..bored?hurm...

L : i'm going to call u if i'm free
B :,ehhehhe...dun forget to call me on */*
L : huh why??huhuh
B : shoot..u'r mean..
L : owh..owh..that day..heheheh..ok..i will try..heheh
B : ok..hehehhe
take care :)

well,that's it..tons of homeworks n him over there..yeah.not..

ok..gtg..take bath n watch spa q..hahahah

love B :)

Monday, March 16, 2009


oh my god!!!
cant u just shut the hell out of u..perlu ke nk bising2..i dun mind if anybody knows but i think it's GREATER! if they knew about it themselves..lyke so fucking damn shit..i just feel lyke kicking the hell out of u..i cn accept u before but now..u just make me damn damn damn hate u...just mind ur own business..stalk all the way u want..i'm gonna do the i-dunt-fucking-care face when i'm with u..i'll b sarcastic all the way i want.. n U! bloody hell u! dun u ever wish i would stop till u stop! n juz take care of ur own life..before this i would always consider how will u feel or wut other people feel..but from now on..i DUN FUCKING CARE! if ko terasa ke x babi..i'm just tired considering other people feeling when others doesnt even care whut other feeling..

babi tu tau x ape maknanye?


Monday, March 9, 2009


i just hate when he said he has to go..aaaa..i hate it.luckily this tyme it's gonna b for a short period..3 days je..hahha..yeeaahhh..but unfair for us,i'm gonna b busy this holidays..babi jekk..both weekends plak tu..lyke point cuti mcm ni..3 days that i'm totally free i guess.blum include tuition lg..bengong laaa..heeee..

i'm just..blank i guess when u'r not here..but well,for our own good gk kn,syg..heheheh..lucky i still have my other darlings..sheeessshh...

ok,done complaining..tomorrow is school..lg malas ngeh..


love U :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

a whole day long

hell yeah!! all day long..n now i'm sitting here writing this,messaging him,n hurt legs..hehehe..that's what u get when u travelled ulang-alik in bb n went straight to klcc by feet..hehehe..i'm proud of myself ni..*woot*woot*

whatever it is,i'm just happy n on top of the world to have chance spending the whole day with u,sayang..thank u so much..heheh..n plus with my beloved mel en..hehehe..we bought the same t-shirt n it's cute..i showed it to him n he just laughed..heheh..there's a pic with us wearing it,but i'm just too tired to upload it,so,no need la eh..heheh

bloody hell..i'm just kinda scared when this happened..since mel n i have to go home without him,so,we took d wrong train..luckily there was this uncle whom i nearly described him as 'menggatal' but luckily i did not bcoz he helped me out..n bcoz of him we realised we took d wrong train..i cried for god sake..hehehe..i'm scared kot at that moment..straight away i called,we u-turn back to kl sentral n was lyke damn so 'keling' couldnt make our mind correctly..n now i'm here writing it..hheheh..

k,nyte2 everyone..i'm getting sleepy..

love,b :)


i just love u more n more ,sayang! :)

love,me :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

laughing all day long

ok..hahahahhahaha...well,i just cant stop laughing the entire two days..smpikn arami sitting beside me pn da shaking his head "minah ni giler ke..da la gelak mcm pontianak..hahahah..." sori dude..the combination of me n mel will end up being laughing all the tyme no matter where we are..hahah.habis klua ilmu aku br baca buku,ko ni..hahahaha..n knowing me u guys,skali da glak pontianak+non-stop=bahirah..hahaha...dont u ever make any real jokes n then waiting for me to stop laughing..bcoz it would be long to wait then..tehehehhe..

my beloved kiki is laki ko..hahaha..n her laki called 'adik' n i was already lyke 'haish..susahla.ade dua adik dkt umah ni kng" since my familio also call me adik..haha..figure out then..hahaha..n her laki is not a calang2 one u know..the very d biggy one..hahah..takut gk beta en..gegege

n one thing that just cant stop me smiling these few days back is because of's almost a month u know! damn,luckily u still remember..hehehe..i just love talking to u n giggling while talking..hehehe...i know u may b thinking i'm a mad one,but lol..sorry..hehee..but still u do accept me right..hahahahahahah..just cnt wait till,dats tomoro..hahah..YAHOO!!! as u said,one month is a long period for u to just really2222 miss someone n i agreed..i miss u lyke hell!! gegegege...blk cpat2 tau..tehehehe

march test is over..thank god..but just couldnt imagined the results..i'm so not confident with my add maths..i think that it will b a bad one this tyme..hoho..but,wateva it hard then..xmau main2 da la(cakap je lebeh kang..haiyoo) huhu..n i went to account's tuition n beloved teacher reminded us that SPM TRIAL is just around 4 months plus u know..quite freak the hell out of me..haaaaaa...

ok,i shud stop now bcoz have some works to be done especially history or else pn harvinder might be strangling me..hohoho..k..till then..bubbye

love B

Sunday, March 1, 2009

2.26 am

i shud have been in bed now,yeah..but its okla..since da berzaman nk mampus xonline..haish..i just hate missing all d latest updates..especially about syaza coming back here!!!!aaaaaa..babe i juz wanna see u!! :( i juz damn damn wanna see u..i just felt that i missed u so so so so much..haiyooo...nk jumpa..da blk sane ke haa?heeee :((

btw..haaaaaaa..i just dunno whats wrong..i just think not everything is falling in it place now..i have things i'm so so dissatisfied with..haiyooo..n plus..i miss u so much..n i have things to ask to u..n i miss u n miss u n miss u again n again n again..manusia..cepatla balik!!!

march test is coming up..i just have this one lil feeling about this which i dun know how to describe it..but kinda relieve the part of me sometimes..thank god..

plus,we have new family members at home..heheheh..i have my molly,jerry,joey,dona,doni n few to be named later..heheheh.. :)

but still,altho this new members make me calm lil bit..but i'm still DISSATISFIED of certain things!! balik rindu sama awak laaaa!!! :(

miss B :(

Sunday, February 15, 2009

can i?

can i say i miss u?
can i say suddenly i felt something for u?
can i say i miss looking at ur behaviour?
can i say i miss ur way of talking n laughing?
can i say i hate not being teased by u?
can i say i really want to talk to u but i am shy?
can i say i just need u now?

can i say i hate looking at u?
can i just go to u n confront everything?
can i just shout the hell out of me to u?
can i just say u are hyprocrite?
can i just say shut up to u?
can i just i hate some people out there?

can i just want everything to be back in place?
please,i beg u..i need u..i hate u..i miss u



hello kamu semua..hari ni saya rs nk tulis blog dlm bahasa ibunda..hahahah..sebenarnya kn sy ni malas nk aaa 'update' blog saya sebab da lame xupdate,buat jugala saya merentas desa..penat best..sbb ni kali terakhir sy nk merentas desa..sedih la jg.. :( hurm..lagi satu,sy rasa mcm nk bg pelempang dkt seseorang...hahaha..amik ko..benci aku..senyap arh!!

hurmm...tu jela kot..esok sy rs rajin sy update lg ye rakan-rakan..bahirah mau main game dan beradu..tuhuhuhu

akhir sekali,bak kate iman SAYANG RUMAH MERAH!! :) K..SELAMAT MALAM SEMUA

sy syg awak lah! ;)

Monday, February 9, 2009

tq familio :)

hehehe...well i guess this year's celebration for my birthday is great..hahahha..i juz love being able to celebrate the day with the loved ones.. tq guys..

well,early of the day,was quite dull..i was left alone at home..huhu..a great start for a bday gurl,huh..well,dad was busy wit pibg n all that n mom had stuffs to do at office..hurmm..well,long make short..hahha..we had dinner at victoria..huhu..n as usual a birthday card is a MUST! so,one for me then..heheh

well,along gave me 3 choices to choose as a present a)handbag b)set of MAC make-up c)manicure n pedicure..heh..still doesnt make the choice need of handbag n also in need of make,anyone?

n i thought there is no birthday cake..igtkn nk mengendeng dkt ayah nk beli kek bw g bbq..hahah..skali,while waiting for bill,ade cake dtg n everyone (including the workers) sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i juz dont know..this year's bday,i juz felt excited n idk..sth idk..but whut i know is that i was so teruja myb bcoz turning 17..hohoho..

thats all..there is still another part of celebration..will b writing in next entry..juz to tired..btw,thx to all familio n friendso for the celebrations n wishes..i do appreaciate them..tehehhe :)

i love u :) B

Saturday, February 7, 2009


syaza !!: each year I'll love u more. Remember that ur best years are still ahead of u and i'll be there for every up down and in between.

it's your birthday and i can't be there
but i'll send u a little prayer
have a happy birthday!
i hope that all of ur birthday wishes will come true
May you have a great time tomorrow and find happiness in everything u do.

my dear,i just wish u are here with us..hope u enjoy ur moments living in UK!!
miss u damn much!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

7th february

heheh..that date just make me went crazy all this week..hhahah..just cnt wait..17??yup2..looks lyke its gonna b 3 hours n plus till 00.00 midnight..I'M NOT GONNA SLEEP by that tyme! hahah..da siap topup kot td..just being excited n thrilled..huhuhu..

below is gonna b MY WISHLIST (myb org kate lmbtnye aku ni tulis,lantakla..hahah)
-esprit new watch!! (in need of a watch,basically)..heheh
- a huge teddy bear..sgt menanti ni..hahah
-driving my dream i guess..hahha
- SPM 9A1!!!
- urm..others will b whut people give me,i'll just accept it..hahah..

n plus plus plus..received message from someone few minutes before..hahahah..sgt seronok..just dun know why..

n btw,adibah gave my birthday present at school today n she n mel had told me not to open till it's 12 midnight..i will my dear,dun worry.. :)

kla..till then..
love B :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


hahaha..well these two days,my day r full with laughter..i juz enjoyed it..mommy was a great stalker!! hahahah..i was quite shocked when mommy go n investigate

M : adik..adik ade bf ke?
B : haa?mn ade la..hahahha
M : habis tu ** sape?
B : owh..tu kawan la..hahah..ibu..ibu..

mommy did surprised with that question..hahah..well mom..i'm clean eh..hahahah..well,that was actually yesterday..

today incident was actually related to few days back incident..
n boy! hahah..i knew it,it wasn't u..hahhaah..i cn juz see thru ur eyes! haha..eyes? hahahah..damn,dats funnay..

well,people mostly say that laughter is the best medicine, n i bet it,no medication for two days..hahah..

till then..tons of hw need to b done..huu..

love B :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

PMS-ING, boys!

i was checking over n reading some blogs n found this's quite interesting i guess (maybe,for me it's a yes..hahah)just some reminder for the guys to b brave n lil bit of understanding when it comes to,

Bear with it guys, you can do it!

So guys want to know what to do when their lady love is a bomb waiting to explode in the face of a puny annoyance? Pre Menstrual Stress lasts for four to five days. If you're lucky, you'll live through to the other side. So here's how i think you men should handle the demon:

1) In fact, flattery will get you everywhere.
2) Try not to be emotionally needy/annoying/tell fart jokes/in fact, just remain scarce.
3) Don't argue.
4) Agree with everything she says.
5) Tell her she's beautiful, perhaps 5000 times a day, even if she has a giant zit pulsating like Cyclops' eye on her forehead.
6) Actually, just tell her she's beautiful every five seconds.
7) Also under no circumstances point out or ask what 'that bulging thing is' on her face.
8) Bring her stuff. F@ck experiences, chicks want stuff. Throw chocolate at her.
9) Don't be pathetic
10) Don't be abstract
11) Don't be condescending
12) Don't be annoying
13) Don't be high maintenance
14) Don't ask her when the PMS will be over
15) Don't be a prick
16) Don't be stupid
17) Don't be a smart-ass
18) Don't be perverse
19) Don't be arrogant
20) Don't be normal
21) Don't be strange
22) Don't be pragmatic
23) Don't be useless
24) Tip: Angst can be alleviated through copulative mediums
25) Don't cancel last minute. (My God this annoys me, with or without PMS)
.26) Achieve the impossible
27) Be hot
28) Stick to your promises -> follow through people –> follow through!
29) Realise it's only four days of hell. FOUR DAYS. GIVE HER FOUR DAYS!!.
30) And for God's sake: When a woman is in a bad mood and she's not on PMS – because women CAN have a shitty day without having PMS – don't whatever you do - ask her if she's 'on.'
31) Be there for her all the time
32) Let her shout. Take it like a MAN.

awww, I know It's alot, but c'mon.. you wouldnt want her to throw things like a smelly fish/piece of meat/pork/chair/the computer set/the home-toolbox/the TV set/toaster/... the list just GOES ON AND ON AND ON AND ON at youuu. So just BEAR with her a little. Okay, maybe alot. It's just for a few days, and then you can get it on and have some Sexy Time

haha...its kinda true though..lalala..later..

love,b :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

any butts?

owh dear boy..i juz cudnt understand u..sheeesshh..mengada-ngada la ko..aku rs mcm nk je sepak b****t anda tau x!!! eeeee...saba jela bahirah..sheeessshhhhhh

Saturday, January 24, 2009

going separate ways

u n me..we used to go the straight path together..holding hands..giggling n enjoy the moment with each other..trying to see what was around together..not missing any latest updates..

but now..the path that we used to take had been divided into two..i'm on the right..n ur on the left..n i guess there will b fence build in between of us. i just dont like this situation..this moment..this feeling..our hands are now separated..i tried to hold ur hands but ur hand is never there..i tried to look at ur face n asking the reason..but i just couldnt bare doing it..i was left wondering alone..on the right side..

u on the other half..have move forward leaving me behind..i just watched u went away n couldnt do anything.i try to keep everything to my own..i cried inside my heart..i take everything in n trying to look for someone to let it out..i might had told some people..but not all..i'm sorry if anything i did make u feel bad..i'm not going to do anything n hope u'll b happy on the left side..

love B..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

senior one

we are done with our diagnostic yesterday..a big u'u for it?dun think so..huhu..since we get a schedule of the temu mesra day that will b based on our diagnostic marks..damn it! kate exam march..haiyoo..n the aturcara is a bit ridiculous la.parents keja maaa..haiyoo..n btw, i got result for my sejarah..hahah..TOP SECRET!!

ok2..regarding with the(previous..wrote another one..but erased it) title that i wrote birthday is also near d corner for me to really turn 17 n become senior in d school..hahah..till this moment,i just have this weird feeling of which calling myself a senior..haha..usually on my way to school,i'll b passing by the smkj3 n looked around saw people walking to school n used to say in my heart ' mesti form 5 ni..tua dr aku' but not for this year,when i am in d same situation it really makes me feel weirdo saying to myself 'owh..dorg ni sebaya dgn aku..hahah' i just felt sgt sgt sgt pelik thinking now me n my friends r the oldest in d school..huhu..myb still cnt accept the fact of me going to finish school n being d oldest n so on..

seperti semalam..we were hanging out at school after rumah sukan's training with few juniors..n anis was 'instructing' a junior boy to pick up the sampah..hahah..anis..wohoo..n she said 'eh..kena ikut ckp senior' n laughed..well,all of us there laughed with the ktorg senior thingy because rs mcm xkena saying that words..heheh..myb just could not cope with the different state of we r being in..

n also..since being the senior ni kn..hish..sgt sibuk u know..with all the rushing here n there..extra class..tuitions..homework menimbun bak gunung everest uh..i just pray that i could really sit one day n settle it downn rearrange is a mess for the time being i tell u..

till then..mommy nagged suro buat homework..hahah..friday shud b the resting day all this while but since esok skola n after recess blaja..damn..ade homework need to b ya..xoxo

love U :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


diagnostic test is basically about all the form 4 subjects which we shud had been studying during la jg..but not,today is the second day n tomorrow will b d last one..usually people will go n 'huuu' n 'haaa' 'exams is over' but a big NO!! for this year because hell yeah..diagnostic is just lyke the beginning of everything..loads of exams ahead..heeyoo... SPM! SPM! SPM! heeee...

so,the days during diagnostic went on lyke this..hahha

tuesday- bm (agk kesusahan) / chem ( usual) / eng (so-so) / sej (hell NO!)
wednesday - maths mod (hahahha..heheheh) / phy (haiyyooo) / est (drop..hahah) / agama (agk merepek skit ye..)

tomorrow's test will b updated later..

have been online-ing almost 3 buku.mau.baca..hehehe..lyke everybody wrote at their blogs..less tyme,the same goes for me..trying2..busy2..huuu

btw,tomorrow will b a really2 busy-musy day..haish..kate je blk 12.30 but with extra class phy till 1.30..n acc's tuition (2.30-4) n latihan rumah sukan (4.30-6) i'm gonna die coming back from all of that..tuhuhu..

k..toodles..more update later..

love U ;)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

so-so-not!! N GOODBYE!! for a while huhuu..well,actually,i'm not going anywhere..juz that i'm so so not in the mood to online-ing this past few,my blog is kinda,since today the mood is lil bit reappearing,so,i try to write sth here..n i guess,whuts above is the only thing that i have the mood to talk about..

hurm..sth previous..i juz got well from fever n rashes all over my body..hell no..byk gler rashes till i thought ni denggi ke ape..bcoz it happened to come out at the whole body including my face..heeeee..n i'm kind pening2 lalat n all that..god knows back then whut happened..luckily the rashes kind of disappear the night before school started..but still kena makan ubat lagi..looks lyke i'm allergic to udang galah,damn it! more to has started n homeworks has start to b here n there n need to,chaiyok! chaiyok! all.. :)

muah..muah ^.^